
Friday, September 13, 2013

Fractured quilt along........

I went to a sew in yesterday and took along the fabric for the blocks.  I got parts for 12 blocks finished but only sewed 8 of the blocks last night.  I have to add one more row on the right as well as finishing the 4th section.  I am making it 5 rows x 6 rows instead of 7 x 8 like it is in the book.  I have all of the duplicate blocks in this layout so I still have the option of making more blocks and using some of these for the scrappy version that I want to make.  Be sure to click on the Fractured Quilt Along button on the right sidebar to go to Vicki's blog for links to see how everyone else is progressing on theirs.


  1. Your quilt is coming along so well; great color choices! I really like that pattern a lot and am awaiting the arrival of the book so that I can make one, too...hugs, Julierose

  2. Love your "rock hit the window" fractured layout.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You are getting this done fast! It is looking great!

  5. Love your quilt and love the fabrics you have chosen. Seeing it has made me want to give this pattern a try. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Looks like you are doing what I plan to do with mine - shift the "bulls eye" off center . . . Congrats on the progress!!

  7. Love how it's coming together! May be the improvisational quality.

  8. What fun intriguing design this is. Kind of like thunder and lightening. Of course I love it !


  9. I am dying here! Seeing this makes me want to get started on this quilt now! I'm just buried in a deadline this month!

  10. I like how it is coming together.

  11. Love it and so does Mom! She's here visiting and says hello.

  12. Lovely Wanda - an you have been busy as usual!

  13. Wow---wasn't sure about the reds and grays working together. But, as usual, I am simply amazed at the spark that the quilt top has in it. I have seen this done in repros & shirtings and purple & oranges. My son would go wild over this design and these are his colors!! I have to wait for the book to arrive still---will try to pick out some colors to play with---and finish the top I am on---boring!!

  14. I like the layout pattern that is emerging!

  15. I LOVE yours!! I wish I could participate, but I am bogged down with Quilt Show prep. Going to peek at everyone else's!!

  16. OOOOH I love this quilt! I have made two red and black quilts for my son because they are high school colors (for both high school and college). I have lots of left-overs and I'm feeling very tempted...

  17. I'm late getting here, but this is one magnificent quilt.

  18. What pattern is this? I cant seem to find it any books or online.
    Thanks in advance


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