
Saturday, September 14, 2013


I finally found the fabric in my stash that I wanted to use for binding on this quilt that I quilted in May.  I quilted the quilt I showed a few days ago and loaded another one on the long arm.  I figured I had better get the binding done on this one before I get too many more quilted.

It has turned really cool, a 30 degree drop from a few days ago and cold at night, in the 40s.  I brought my cacti in last night.  I think they have been out long enough.  The bud on the pink one is just about ready to open and I see more buds forming.


  1. We've turned a bit cooler too. Nights not quite that low, but the difference in the daytime temps is about the same!!! I am not complaining, but I would hope for an early frost and then a beautiful Indian Summer. The RAGWEED is killing us!!!

  2. 39 here this morning at 6am. We brought in plants yesterday also. Hope you can get your binding done. Chris

  3. I have to do a binding today also for the Hot Flash. It is all made, bought new washable glue, just have to do it. I would rather work on quilting or piecing something new, but that quilt show is coming. Just love your colors.

  4. It is cooling off quickly for you.

    It looks like a binding party at your house!

  5. It is so nice to have the windows open and again and the ac off. But it is really cold inside my house. I must get my large tropical plant ready for the trip indoors. Fall is here, I think.

  6. I recognize your binding fabric :) it is a beauty - I have or had some of it, I'm not sure if I still do - we had a very cold night a couple nights ago in northern WI woke up 39 and tomorrow night might be 34! well differently have the heat on in the camper!


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