
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

African quilt top, a little quilting..........

I finally sewed the wallhanging size African fabric top.  It is about 40" square and I'll probably ditch quilt both directions on this one.  More black thread in free motion would just make it darker and it doesn't need that.

This is the group of 16 blocks that are left over.  I see the second one in the bottom row is turned wrong.  I haven't decided whether to sew it or just save the blocks for a future project.

This is the quilt that I loaded on the longarm a few days ago.  It is the smallest one I had ready to do at about 40" wide.  You  might recognize it from my 2 rail quilt tutorial.

I put a wild fabric on the back.

Here is another find from the hall closet.  I had found the Crazy Daisy winders before I had my garage sale in June but couldn't find the directions.  Lo and behold I have a book for it.

This might give you a better idea of how the little tool works.  I have 2 sizes of the daisy makers.

They are used as decorations like yo-yos on a lot of the projects in the book.  I would say this is from the 1960s from the styles. Now I wonder where I put the crazy daisy makers.  I'm trying to get like things together this time around.


  1. I think you hall closet is magic!!! the things that are coming out of it... sort of time capsule like.

    and that is a wild backing!

  2. I LOVE the wild backing on the 2 rail quilt.

  3. Would it be the case that any design that could be made with the "2 Rail" block could be made in a wonky version with the "Fractured" block? Seems like it should be, but I wonder if there are pitfalls.


  4. Love how the African quilt came together.

  5. You are on a roll this week! I remember those daisy makers. I didn't have one but I wanted one. I bet there are some young people who would really groove on it now.

  6. My mom made my sister a long vest with those daisies. It was the 60s!!!

  7. I had a daisy maker too (in England). I took on a project of making a bedspread! I must have been crazy, never did finish it - surprise, surprise. Wonder what happened to it???
    Sheila (Florida)

  8. I too had a daisy maker but have no idea what happened to it. All those memories that you have in that closet. I think we are going to have a touch of summer today. Enjoy it while it is here.

  9. Beautiful quilts. LOVE the wild backing : )
    I remember the Crazy Daisy winders! Had not thought about them in years. Wow. That's a blast for the past.

  10. The African Fabric wall hanging looks great all sewn together. Would you consider diagonal stitching in the black squares, radiating out from the center in concentric squares - like a trip around the world?
    Total blast from the past!

  11. I made an afghan of those daisies in red white and blue for the bicentennial. Brings back memories!

  12. I have been without internet for a couple days and you have gotten a lot done! they all look great.

  13. The treasures you are finding in that closet! The daisy maker is intriguing!
    The African fabrics quilt is quite dramatic - must be fun to look at the fabrics in it up close.

  14. Another exuberant post today Wanda.

    The rhythm of your African piece jumps right off the screen at me.

    And my oh my love the zig in quilting process and what an awesome backing. Talk about rhythm... this one has it also.

    And the daisy maker and patterns... oh how I remember making those but never went as far as decorating a dress of making a vest. Just put them on hats. Enjoyed you sharing another memory from the 'good ole days.'


  15. My daughter has a Crazy Daisy afghan, twin size, in gold and yellow, that she found at a thrift store and loves! Retro style, you know.
    I think your African squares are delightful.


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