
Thursday, August 8, 2013

More 16 patches..........

I decided to add some of the Kaffe Fassett and Philip Jacobs pastels in the next group of 16 patches.

Here are all of the blocks I have made so far but this definitely isn't the final layout.  I have to share something here, that several people told me they never read what I write, they only look at the photos.  Now those people are probably shaking their head at the poor design of this one, not knowing I'm going to change it.
I have two candidates for the back of Peony Garden.  I just have to decide if I want morning glories on the backside of peonies or use the small print.

I took a photo of the front jungle in full sunlight yesterday morning.  That is why the colors are so bright. The tiger lilies are just about done blooming but the maple trees and bindweed are still going strong.


  1. Well, I'm amazed that people would admit to looking but not reading.
    I love these most recent quilts you've been doing. One of m favorite designs but you really elevate them with your command of value and color.

  2. Those lookers that don't read are missing so much good information. If they are quilters, they could be improving what they do.

  3. I had a friend ask me why I had several photos of the same quilt in one post. So I knew she had not read the post, because the words explained it all. So now I tease her if she says anything about a post, saying its OK I know she won't understand as you don't read the words!

  4. Do. Not. Stop. Writing. Love the photos, but YOU are in the words.

  5. I have people that tell me too - that they rarely read the blogs they just skim through and mainly look at photos. I read and look and then look again - no wonder it takes awhile to go through blogs.
    I looked at your garden photo several times and thought that photo would be great done in this same way that you have been working this past week and wondered if that is one way you come up with your color schemes.

  6. Reading your blog is like getting my lesson for the day. Love the morning glory fabric for the back of your peony quilt.

  7. Love the Kaffe pastels. I would go with the morning glory for the back if it were me.

  8. Morning glory! I had to read the words to know you were deciding.

  9. Love the morning glory for the backings, too.
    If people miss the words, they miss the eating without tasting.
    My first impression of the pastel blocks....a path thru the garden. I know you will create a beautiful layout anyway.

  10. Morning glories. The lively front is perfect. I think a low-contrast backing would drag the energy down. One person's opinion.


  11. I think either fabric would work for the back although the scale of the morning glory fabric would be a nice contrast to the scale of the fabric used on the front. The garden looks wonderful!

  12. I'm fine if they just look at the pictures!!! I just wish they'd say something -good- bad- or indifferent about them!!!
    And if they miss the story... oh well... their loss!

  13. This one looks like a Monet - love it! That's funny about just looking at the pictures... I readily admit that I read blogs for the eye candy but I do READ too.

  14. You are on a roll! This is very pretty. Hope the non-readers didn't miss your tutorial. Words count, too.

  15. HA - well I read every word. I enjoy your descriptive quality and the news of what is going on in your part of the country! Thanks for sharing!

    mary beth - from RI

  16. Oh, I think the bold large floral complements the quilt front much better than the small floral. It has the oomph needed to balance the strong colors. Beautiful quilt! Love your pastel version too.

  17. Oh - and I like the morning glory foe the backing.

  18. I read your posts! I've wanted to do a quilt based on the 16 patch block for a LONG time. There's something about that checkerboard pattern dancing around. Love these quilt tops and such inspiration.

  19. Morning Glories for the backing!!

  20. I prefer the smaller print for the backing - keeps the focus on the glory of the front, the piecing, and the fabrics used. IMHO . . .

  21. I'm often on e of those people who look at the pictures on the blog but you always include your design and thought process which I enjoy and learn so much from so keep on writing!
    For the back, I really love the contrast of the larger print.

  22. They don't know what they are missing by not reading the words!

    The pastels are looking so pretty.

  23. Eye candy and food for thought... what more could one ask for! Such a loss to only taste one side of the plate!

    I vote for the Morning Glory fabric, for me it provides a better balance, the smaller print looks muddy next to all of that shimmering color.

  24. OMG... those that do not read what you share every day are missing out on the entire post.

    Your pastel blocks are just luscious ! And I know you will select the perfect backing for peony garden.

    I should send you a photo of my jungle garden also... (*._,*) it is that time of year isn't it ? I really let it get out of hand this year.


  25. Lookers only certainly don't know what they are missing. I enjoy reading words of wisdom and about your journey. Something very relaxing about the pastels. Reminds me about impatiens growing up amongst a stone pathway. Vote for morning glories.

  26. Just want you to know that I am another thorough reader. :-)

    Sometimes I can tell by my blog visitors' comments that they just looked because they completely miss the point of a post! Oh. Well.
    Maybe I should just call them 'visitors' from now on instead of 'readers', lol.


  27. I like the M.G fabric the best ,it sings.Vera.

  28. Those of us who read every word, do so because your writing style and explanations are as delightful as the eye candy.

  29. Oh Wanda this latest pastel quilt is beautiful, beautiful, I just love it and can't wait to see the finish!
    I also like the morning glory fabric for the backing of the Peony Garden.

  30. I think you should use the morning glory fabric - complements the quilt better. The smaller print reads as too washed out. Love your pictures & your words.

  31. I can't believe people wouldn't read what you write - it's like having a master class in using colour! They have no idea what they're missing!
    I vote for the morning glory fabric for the backing of peony garden.

  32. Your jungle looks as rampant as mine! And I love the pastels. What a striking quilt this will be. I have to say - I really like the morning glory print. And while your pictures are worth a thousand words, I still like to see what you are saying with your words.

  33. Just like many of the other people, I am amazed that people don't read what you write. I learn so much each day from your posts.

    For example, Zinnia Garden on August 6 and August 5 -- Many people might not realize they had different layouts unless they read what you wrote. By reading and then comparing the two quilts, it is easy to see that you improved the overall effect of the quilt by your tweaking of the 3 blocks. It made a big difference.


  34. those who don't read the post lose out. it is like looking at a book and just looking at the pictures. You miss the whole story because you didn't read it. this series of quilts is just breath taking. gorgeous! love em all!


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