
Friday, August 2, 2013

Green and pink again..........

I needed a little change yesterday so I started sewing the green/pink quilt together.  I sewed all 9 rows in one direction.

I got as far as 3 seams out of 7 in the other direction and then quit for the night.  I hope I can finish the seams this morning and get it pressed and then I will make the remaining 8 blocks for the zinnia garden quilt.


  1. Another great creation, love the colors.

  2. Wow......your consistent daily work is amazing. No wonder you get so much done.

  3. we are alike in that we try to get a little done every day - eventually everything gets done!

  4. I agree with the others...I give you credit for finding time to sew every day. I need to get back to doing that too...projects are piling up and not much is getting done!

  5. Looks very pretty (I'm partial to pink and green this time of year). Like bringing the flowers indoors!

  6. I can't wait to see the pink and green together! Pink being my favourite colour, with green a close second, this quilt will be one of my top favourites when you post its final photo!

  7. This is going to be SO pretty. I love how it looks there. The zinnia bed is really nice, too. Sometimes squares are just the most satisfying sewing.

  8. I LOVE THIS project . . . have I told you that lately? It is beyond gorgeous! And it soothes my soul at the same time . . .

  9. Pink and green. So refreshing and summerlike.

  10. What great photo's today, REALLY shows the fabrics off in detail.


  11. Looking forward to seeing this one, so bright and cheery


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