
Monday, August 26, 2013

A few strip sets........

I didn't do much all day yesterday so last night I turned on Netflix and watched a couple more episodes of "Bones".  While watching I got 10 strip sets sewn and ready for slicing for 16 patches.  Some of the fabrics aren't wide enough to get 2 blocks out of but most are.


  1. Isn't amazing how easy it is to sew while watching Netflix. I've been watching "Crossing Jordan". It was on for 7 seasons so it has quite a few segments. The dark combo is really interesting. Chris

  2. I absolutely love African prints set with black... there is something about the combination... Looking forward to seeing the blocks!

  3. It looks like this one will be a very dramatic quilt with all those bold prints. I'm looking forward to seeing it develop.

  4. these are great. at first I thought you were using two African fabrics together in a block, and I couldn't see how that would work.

  5. Those are going to make interesting blocks.

  6. I am drooling over the African prints! Such a lovely piece your friend made of with your Dad's picture.

  7. Wanda, I am always a bit afraid of black fabric. I fear it will dull a quilt and make it muddy. I never paint with blac, maybe that is why. Your fabric strips are just luscious colors. Love the African prints.

  8. I'm all agog waiting to see these fabrics put together

  9. Looking good. I am sure you wanted a change from your flower garden quilts.

  10. Nice contrast-you are as bold as your colors-I am still a little timid when it comes to color choices but, because of you and Julie S. I am getting bolder-didn't know you were a mentor did you:) My sweet husband is going on a 2 week motorcycle trip with 5 old geezer (they call themselves that) high school friends-I plan to eat lean cuisine and quilt-period- for 2 weeks!

  11. Dramatic is the first thing that popped into my head when I clicked into your Blog this morning. Black has really drawn me in the last few years... and your strips do just that.


  12. Most of the time, I type my comment and then go back and read what others have said... I see Mary has commented how DRAMATIC this one is going to be also. (*._,*)


  13. Think I'll quilt along with this one. I've got a large bin of African fabrics left over a quilt I made several years ago.
    Have you read any of Kathy Reichs books, Tempe Brennan is the main character, in the books as well. They are great to listen to while sewing!


  14. Love your latest project. So glad to know there are quilters out there that have stashes as bright as mine!


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