
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Saturday blocks...........

Yesterday was a wonderful family day. One of my brothers and my cousin had not seen each other since 1987.  After everyone left I made 9 more blocks.

This is all 22 blocks sewn so far.  I was too lazy to go downstairs to a design wall with them.

I have 14 duplicate blocks cut and ready to sew.  I have been thinking about only having one of each block in this quilt which means I am making 2 quilts.  I'll know when I start putting the blocks up on the design wall.  I have 3 large bins of floral fabrics to work with if I want more variety.


  1. It all looks good to me. Wish I had room for a design wall. I use the floor or a top of a bed. It all works. Have fun designing. Chris

  2. Can't wait to see what happens to these blocks. Gorgeous.

  3. It's nice to have the family reunions. I just booked a trip to Ontario to go to my nieces wedding and visit with two aunts. One I haven't seen since I was a little girl. I'm nervous about all the flying details and transferring in Montreal as I've kept pretty close to home since becoming ill a few years ago. It will be very rewarding though.
    I love those blocks!

  4. It is so much fun to see relatives you haven't seen in years. I am glad y'all are having a good time.
    The blocks are looking good.

  5. The pairs of blocks are just luscious combinations. I could just look at each block separately, can't wait until I see them all together. Glad your family had such a positive memorable time. How can you call yourself lazy? You do so much everyday!

  6. I always love the color selections you make for your blocks. Glad you have been able to have some family days. I did that yesterday too and had some good chats with brothers and sisters that I normally only see once a year or so.

  7. Batiks and floral fabrics just seem to go together.

  8. I had not thought of mixing batiks and floral fabrics together. What a beautiful result!

  9. You are amazing with all you do.
    Really like your combinations. Have a great day.

  10. I hope you show us all of the quilts you have done in this series when you are all done-I have lost tract. Lovely as usual-you are really busting that stash!

  11. GORGEOUS colors . . . no matter what you do with them. They're beautiful!

  12. Happy for you that you had a nice visit with family. And then the master gets back to work. I think about Monet's paintings when I look at you wonderful pile of blocks; Dreams and the other garden paintings.

  13. Reunion's always feel good especially at our age. Good to hear you all had a good time.

    So enjoy the blocks you are working on now. They all have such an "exuberant" summer feel.


  14. The florals and batiks were meant to go together - that is going to be a fabulous quilt!

  15. Your blocks just look like a lovely cottage garden in bloom Wanda, it's a delight.

  16. You have some of the prettiest floral fabric I have seen! I love the way you put your colors together. Very nice.

  17. Family time is always fun. Lots of laughter and memories!


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