
Monday, June 17, 2013

Sew a row, design a row...........

The rows on the left are sewn, the ones on the right have just been designed to continue the rows.  I have to decide how big this quilt is going to be.  Right now I'm leaning toward a center of a medallion quilt or a small lap quilt with all triangles.  I will be working on this as my creative fix as I continue to find things for the garage sale.
This bunny was on my front sidewalk a couple nights ago.

 He (she) sat there and ate the weeds that grow in the crack of the sidewalk.  Some bunnies are nice.  Last year one ate my flowers in the pot on the lowest step.


  1. If only all the bunnies would eat the weeds and leave our other plants alone!

  2. I need a bunny like that to come live in my yard!

    Love the scrappy look of the triangles!

  3. Oh my goodness can I even express how much I am loving the triangle quilt! The bight colors against the dark gray triangles is so great!

  4. Love how the triangles are coming together.

  5. Yes, my darned little bunny ate my purple hyacinth bean seedlings that were going to grow up my trellis!! Had to make a concoction to keep him away from the 2nd set of seedlings.

  6. How wonderful to have a built-in weed control system with no chemicals involved! :-)
    I love how those triangles are looking!

  7. How lucky can you get!!!! Or maybe you trained your bunny to eat the weeds in the sidewalk? Good thing you have pictures - no one would believe it otherwise.

  8. Hop hop little bunny! I found a baby bunny in my back yard earlier this year which was most unusual. They are developing the paddock at the end of our street, and I think it got lost...I called it Peter!

  9. I rarely see a bunny out here. The coyotes seem to take care of that or at least that is what I am thinking. The woodchucks are the eaters around here. Fortunately this year I have only seen them once but now that I have said that, they will return. LOL


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