
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Last day...........

I couldn't decide whether to show you my tired swollen feet or my hideous hairdo from all of the humidity, so I resorted to a garden photo I took a few days ago.  It is the bed where I planted all of my potted hostas at the end of the summer last year.  There are spiderwort, violets, lilies, coneflowers and heliotrope in there also. 

The garage sale was a huge success yesterday, lots of $$, the most I've ever made on a garage sale.  Today is the last day.  Standing on the cement for so many days preparing and then yesterday had me so exhausted last night that all I could do was sit and read.  I miss my sewing machine, my fabric, my die cutter, etc.  It will be good to get back to them, hopefully this afternoon since the sale ends at noon.


  1. so more fabric with all that Garage Sale money? Sounds like your efforts paid off!

  2. the garage sale is so worth it though in the end - get rid of so much stuff and make some $$'s while you are at it.
    Don't even get me started on humidity and hair LOL that is me most of the summer

  3. I am so glad your sale has been a success! I thought of you and sent a short prayer up yesterday. Sales are SO much hard work. Hope you are rested up and back to sewing soon!

  4. I'm glad it was a success! You sure had some interesting things to sell.
    Hopefully you're rested up and will get back to your fabrics today.

  5. I hope today is as successful as yesterday..and I hope you are staying hydrated.

  6. How exciting to have a very successful garage sale. Hope you can relax with your feet up and a good book to read tonight.

  7. Oh, and I really wanted the picture of your hideous hairdo. ;-) How great that you are getting paid to have less clutter in your life.

  8. I know you are exhausted but it must feel great to have cleared out so much stuff and to have more fabric cash!

  9. I don't know why I even bother trying to do something to my hair during the summer ... in seconds, the humidity undoes all the work I put into it. :-(

    Beautiful garden!

  10. Glad it was a success. My first one was, but my second one was such a bust, I said never again.

  11. So happy for you that the sale was successful!

  12. I'm glad your garage sale has been such a success! Hope you can just relax and get in some sewing time later today when it's over!
    That garden photo is gorgeous -- everything looks so lovely and lush and green.

  13. Happy to hear your sale is going well for you. Wish I could be there!

  14. It is nice to see that all the hard work has paid off and you have had the successful sale. Will this rain ever end? It is nice to have a cooler day today.

  15. You captured such a soothing atmosphere in your photo and even looks cool. I can just see those lil garden fairies living in there.

    With the treasures you were showing us I am not surprised your had such a great garage sale. You put so much time and effort into it I can certainly see why you were exhausted and tired swollen feet.

    I know one person loved her treasures she found at your garage sale. She called and told me about her finds. (*._,*)


  16. I am so glad you've had a successful sale. Now it's back to what you enjoy and do so well...creating beautiful quilts!

  17. Glad it has gone so well. I know you will be glad to get back to sewing again.

  18. Congrats on the successful sale! I'm wondering if you found appreciative buyers for some/all of the vintage linens/sewn stuff. I enjoyed seeing the photos leading up to the sale.

  19. Good for you!! I have been thinking of you all weekend!

  20. What a beautiful garden. Thank you for sharing that photo with us. And I'm glad the garage sale went well and that you've sufficiently recovered so that you can return to your quilting! :-)

  21. Here's a trick I learned at least 15 years ago when I was hiking back and forth between the hotel and the convention center in 115 degree heat. Put lots of ice in a basin and add a little water. Soak your feet until you can't stand the cold, take them out let them warm up, repeat the soak and warm cycles several times. Then massage hand or foot cream into you feet. Don't know why it works, but it does. If you have someone to give you a foot massage after the ice and warm, so much the better


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