
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Am I done yet?...........

 I have added 3 rounds of green and am not sure if I'm done.  It is about 37" square right now.

I have 2 pieces of this yellow/green which I have contemplated adding on all 4 sides and then I can trim this into a squarer shape.  I will be gone part of today and part of tomorrow so I think this will simmer for a couple days.


  1. I like the fact that it is already lighter again at the edges. I think the lighter yellow green would just help to reinforce that.

  2. love that green - so changed the look - love it

  3. It is lovely just the way it is, but maybe the yellow would complete it? Very pretty either way.

  4. Whatever you decide , it's electric

  5. Its stunning! I wouldn't add the yellow, because there is yellow in the center and it draws you in, with the darker edges. It gives it a focal point.

  6. I love the transition to the green and I think I like the yellow idea too.

  7. I ditto Gene. The piece is striking!

  8. The greens are wonderful. I love the dimension in it. It feels as though it is Alice's hole into Wonderland.

  9. This quilt has been so much fun to see develop. Have a fun and safe two days off.

  10. This is one exciting piece Wanda. Simply striking and all in the fabrics you have selected.


  11. I do believe I would stop adding and allow the piece to sizzle as it is. Gorgeous!!

  12. definitely add the light green! It adds a great luminosity.

  13. That is SO pretty! I'd have to think on it for a while, too.

  14. Love it! I like the intensity of the fiery yellows in the center, contrasting with the cooler colors surrounding. I'd stop here, or I wonder how it would look framed in sand, or in b/w?

  15. I like it as it is, to me " perfect" that is one truly stunning effect. Cheers, Jean.

  16. I would probably go until a 44" strip of fabric would just fit along each side.

  17. The green you added gives the piece another dimension, and some depth. I would add more of the same color of green rather than the yellow green. The yellow green seems to take away from the dimension that the green gives the yellow in your center.
    Any how I know it will end up beautiful as all your pieces do.

  18. I think you are through. I like the quilt as I followed it through your concepts thus far, but the plan your making seems to turn it into a different feeling for me. That may be what you really want it to be, but for me - it is done.

  19. It look complete to me... besides you already have yellow in it.

  20. I am also fond of letting decisions like this simmer! Simmer away, I say! Whatever decision you make will be the right one - it's gorgeous.

  21. My two bobs' worth from Down Under - it doesn't hurt to let a quilt sit on the wall & let it contemplate how it wants to proceed!!! You'll know when you get back to it.

  22. This has been fun to watch from day to day. I love the colors layered against each other. Really adds a depth to the quilt. I wanna come watch you sew---I bet I could learn so much. In reality--I will keep reading your blog and enjoying the design process of such a creative quilter!!

  23. I love this piece! It absolutely glows. If anything, I might use the yellow green as the binding.

  24. Teh last green may fade it out.



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