
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Playing with blocks......

I didn't sew at all yesterday.  I went to a session of cutting for Quilts of Valor in the morning.  In the afternoon I pulled out all of the Kaffe leftover blocks and put them on a design wall.  I can see I don't have enough to do anything with yet so they went back into the box.  I have my next quilt in mind and started pulling fabrics but didn't make any decisions yet.  I need to sew a backing seam and get another quilt loaded on my longarm while I work on the fabric selection.


  1. Old friends!

    My favorite of these is the pseudo-wonky blocks in the second row.


  2. well some quilters might make one quilt with all of those blocks put in it - very eclectic - but I can never get that to work for me.

  3. You have a wide variety of leftovers! How about a small hanging with the "h" blocks and a few mug rugs with some of the others...

  4. Those are some fabulous orphan blocks!

  5. Well, i'm lovin' those top three rows

    I could live with those any day, any time


  6. Your Monday post is unbelievable to me to accomplish all of your quilts and tops in such a short time. Every one has a beauty of it's own.

    Just looking at your 'left overs' today is fun also.


  7. Saw your pic before reading the post and I thought, "Wanda's making a row quilt!" All of these blocks bring a smile to my face. The last little guy in row 3 looks like he's the 'adopted child' in this wildly fun family.

  8. I have bit sat at the machine in several days and am suffering withdrawals


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