
Monday, April 1, 2013

March finishes.......

I did very little sewing yesterday.  Since I wanted to show March finishes I knew I had to sew the border on this one.  I chose the mottled fabric rather than the stripe batik and made the border narrower than I showed when I was auditioning the 2 fabrics.  I made all of the blocks and sewed the top together in 10 days and then it took 3 weeks to finalize my decision on the border.
I only ended up with 2 quilts totally finished in March, both flannel quilts.

These 3 tops were completed and all were started in February or March.  The flannel quilt on the left just needed the paper pieced border in March.  The center one was made from start to finish in March and the one on the right was started in Feb. and finished in March.  That makes 12 finishes for the first quarter of 2013.  If I could keep up that pace I would have all of my tops quilted by the end of the year.  That is if I can keep the 'starts' under control.........


  1. Well, I think the number of quilts you finish is amazing.
    The background on the first one is perfect! It seems to give a 3 dimensional effect making the blocks pop forward.

  2. I love the border fabric for the lets the center float over the surface. All great finishes as always.

  3. I love the border of batik that you chose, it suits that quilt perfectly. You had a lot of finishes (or almosts)

  4. All I accomplished is wallpaper removal! Your accomplishments are much more fun.

  5. Great work for the month, Wanda.

  6. I love them all. I see that you have no spare time on your hands. LOL You are such a busy lady. What are you doing with all those quilts? Are you selling them?

    It may be cold out today but the sun is shining. Daffodils are coming up, spring is here!!!

  7. Oh, so nice. We are in SC but not sure we will get to Charlotte for your show. Too much happening here at our daughter's - yet you are on my mind lots. Glad to see these jewels, really love the batiks!

  8. That's the problem: those starts just keep happening! I like that first frame, good choice for the border. It doesn't call attention to itself, but to the main course. I really like all of these. You're accomplishing quite a lot!

  9. They are all looking good. Congrats on getting five at least to the ready to be quilted stage.

  10. Chuckling.....Yeah, those starts are always messing me as well.

  11. You can keep the starts under control..... as you are getting all these finished quilts....and far less quilt at what is NOT finished... keep at it....

  12. I think what you have accomplished is wonderful! I would much rather been quilting than installing a bathroom!

  13. I have to ask-- What do you do in your spare time?
    Amazing output!

  14. Good for you, finished is fantastic. You are right though, it's those pesky starts....We love a good start! I love them all, way to go.

  15. You may have spent a lot of time pondering the batik border, but you absolutely decided upon a winner!!

  16. You make me tired:) I love watching you work-so much creativity in one woman-God is amazing!

  17. Your quilts are beautiful, Wanda. Each is a piece of art and I enjoy watching you work through them.

  18. Having a narrower border and using the mottled fabric was a good choice. When you auditioned the border fabrics, the wide border was competing for too much attention. The way you did it kept it all colorful but in great proportion.

    (I understand what starting a quilt means, but I am somewhat confused on the concept of finishing a quilt. Maybe in the future it will all become clear to me.)


  19. Whenever you post your finished quilts
    It's like visiting with close friends
    ----- because you've introduced them piece by piece

    Each little characterist
    Each mood
    Best features
    Questionable features
    How they combine to reveal an individual personality
    All bound together
    Making up this newly made friend


  20. Oh, to be anywhere near as productive as you! The quilts and tops you finished in March are nothing short of stunning!

  21. You have some beautiful quilts to show-off. I like the fabric border that you chose.


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