
Sunday, April 21, 2013

More planning needed.......

I didn't realize until I started trimming the papers that there are 3 different shaped blocks in this pattern.  That means I will have to plan where all of the fabrics are going to go before I piece any more.  I didn't notice that the black strip was slanted between the 2 side by side blocks when I first looked at this.  Block one is done so now I'm familiar with the method in this pattern.

My son came by yesterday and picked up the rugs that I couldn't salvage.  I decided to throw away one more than I originally planned.  The basement smells a lot better now.  Since I had to move all of my design walls I have exposed several boxes of 'miscellaneous' that I need to go through.  It is time to get tough and throw out useless things that I have saved for years.  Not. a. fun. chore.....


  1. No not a fun chore, but you will feel better after doing it. Amazing what we keep. Do a box a day and it will go fast. Chris

  2. Love the first block... the rest will be fantastic! So glad your basement is smelling better. I totally know it is not fun. We had to do it in the winter and it was the pits.

  3. I am interested in seeing your progress on this. I can not see a difference in the blocks. I hope you show the three side by side so I can see the difference.

  4. Love the first block Wanda, and maybe you'll find a real treasure when you sort through those boxes.

  5. Don't feel bad. I was having difficulty paper piecing MY OWN PATTERN yesterday afternoon. I only have the four corner blocks left to do, and they are trying my patience. It's not like I have anyone else to blame here.

  6. Culling out is a hard chore. I like Chris' suggestion.

  7. I too agree with Chris, one a day is the way to go.

    Love your new block!!!!

  8. sometimes it is hard to get rid of things that have been packed away but other times it isn't - I don't have near as hard of time getting rid of things as Mike does. I can understand those rugs smelling, sometimes flooding does that to rugs, no matter what you can't get them clean smelling.

  9. Love the quilt block - this will be a great quilt. I need to get rid of stuff too, and I don't enjoy the process either. Right now I'm working on cleaning out my dad's house.... little by little seems to work best for me.

  10. You are right....not a fun chore.

    I can see where there needs to be a lot of planning in the stepping stones.

  11. A couple of years ago our son and DIL's basement flooded just before our arrival for Christmas-we were to stay in the basement which Jason had converted to a lovely family room. What a mess. We booked a hotel but it took awhile to restore back to normal. However-it hasn't dampened your creativity-lovely block!

  12. Not a fun chore sorting and pitching, but you always feel so great after it's done - like flossing your teeth! Love your first block, Wanda.

  13. Love this block, I see another stunning quilt from your studio in the works! Sorry to hear about the water, that was me in January. Thank goodness for Tupperware bins. Hope you dry out very soon!

  14. This is going to fun to follow... and I am terrible at being decisive about getting rid of stuff so I feel for you! Sometimes I get a rare bout of "clear it out" and I drop everything to take advantage.

  15. That is going to be such a stunning quilt! It will be fun to watch this one grow.
    When I get into the cull and toss mood, I try to be as ruthless as possible. Sometimes it's easier said than done, though!

  16. Not a fun job, but a necessary one. I find that my work space just "feels" better when I get stuff out of there. Not that I do it too often. ;)

    That block is stunning! It's going to be a beautiful piece!

  17. Haven't started on my Stepping Stones yet but I did notice there seemed to be a slanted piece in there. I love the bright lime green, looking forward to beginning mine soon.

  18. No not fun, but you'll feel better in the end. Wow those blocks are going to make a stunning quilt.

  19. You would never know that there are three different blocks by just looking at the picture. Good thing you figured that out quickly! Maybe you will find a long forgotten treasure when you go thru the mystery boxes.

  20. I have boxes I need to go through! And stuff I need to get rid of!


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