
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

24 blocks on the wall .......

The paper is still on the back of the blocks so I had to use pins to hold the blocks on the design wall.  I think I need to add more busy prints in the rest of the blocks.  This will look a lot different when the dark strips get added.
I sewed these 3 before I saw the photo on the computer of the 24 on the wall.  I think they will all work well in the combination.  I will probably pull all of the rest of the batik strips that I had chosen and substitute in more Kaffe prints.
I haven't quilted any large pieces in the whole month so just in case I don't get one done today, I'll have to consider my 8 little preemie quilts as my finishing accomplishment for the month.


  1. I'm digging these fabric combos... it's going to be a spectacular quilt!

  2. It is going to be striking! Glad I don't have to pick all the paper off though.

  3. Yes! It will be stunning! I don't have any fabrics like these as I major in Civil war reproductions, but I'm liking them very much!

  4. Hi, Wanda!

    I agree with your idea to substitute more Kaffe fabrics for batiks: The blocks that really draw my eye -- in a good way -- are the ones that have one busy print and one quiet one.

    The whole piece is shaping up beautifully!


  5. They look fabulous! More Kaffe prints are on their way to you right now. Maybe they will work in the mix. In fact, I think they will be wonderful additions to what you already have.

  6. They look beautiful Wanda, it is so much fun to see all the combinations you have come up with. This is definitely on my list......soon.

  7. The blocks are lovely. I'm anxious to see them all put together. I love the preemie quilts. The green is very pretty.

  8. Wow, looking good so far. You are so talented!

  9. Love the lavender block -that is going to be an awesome quilt. The preemie blankets are so precious.

  10. good choices on the all the blocks that you are doing, they all look great.
    you got a bit done with the preemie quilts finished too.

  11. I don't comment often but wanted to tell you how much I enjoy following along on your quilts! This one is amazing.

  12. Going to be fabulous. As for your monthly goals, you hit them and exceed every month! You are so generous with your charity work, it's amazing!

  13. The quilt is looking wonderful!

  14. Beautiful!!! The dark will make a big difference.

    Nice finishes on the preemie quilts.


  15. those blocks are amazing, love them!

  16. You know you can't go wrong with Kaffe. Love your blocks so far.

  17. Kaffe prints make my heart happy! Love the new quilt.


  18. Wanda, I don't want to mess with your head, but your blocks actually look good against a light background as well. I would have never thought that until I saw your photo.

  19. Beautiful....can't wait to see it finished.

  20. Fabulous! This is going to be such a fabulous and striking quilt!

  21. I think your current blocks should be considered quite an accomplishment. Wow.

  22. Beautiful blocks, Sharon. And sweet little preemie quilt : )

  23. I do like the Kaffe bright and busy fabrics!


  24. I just love these unusual~ ♥♥♥


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