
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

31 blocks......

Seven more blocks are done.  I will probably take them all down off the wall when I get the rest made and then start playing with a layout.  The blocks are only 6.5" finished so it most likely will end up as a wallhanging unless I decide to add some plain blocks randomly in the layout around the edges.

I finished reading "Flash and Bones" by Kathy Reichs and returned it to the library and picked up the next one in the series.  I wanted to get it before the 'big storm' hits today.  We have had big ones predicted so many times this winter and then we would be on the edge of the storm and get very little snow each time.  It sounds like this might be the one that comes to our area.


  1. 5:30 am and it has hit here already. I plan on staying in the house and not outside at all. Looks great with the layout you have so far Chris

  2. The quilt is lovely, it would make a beautiful wall hanging. We have had snow 2 days in a row here. I am ready for spring, but we do need the moisture. I'm sure you have projects to work on if you are snowed in. :)

  3. These blocks are looking so good together. The quilt would be great the way it is, but with a little play and design time, it will fabulous. And that is the fun part!

  4. I love the way this quilt is evolving. We are having another extremely windy day and it does look like this storm will hit your area. Stay warm.

  5. as my daughter lives near Madison WI I keep an eye on the weather up there out of habit and also several of my commentators come from up there as well - I hope the storm won't be bad and it will be spring soon for all of you, I think my daughter is ready for spring as well. The quilt is looking really good!

  6. The weather forecasters have gotten out of control lately. They seem to want to be the center of attention and forecast every storm as "the" storm to end all storms. It is driving me insane. We will get snow here but it's going to be 40 the next day!

  7. This will be a beautiful wall hanging. Love watching you work on this and rattlesnake.

  8. I love Kathy Reichs! Who do you read that is similar?

  9. I love the depth that you get from those blocks.

    It does sound like that storm is coming your way. One good blast to finish the year off!!! Enjoy it.

  10. We didn't get any snow that was predicted for overnite
    Right now, lots of wonderful sunshine

    Love each and every one of your points!


  11. This will make an awesome wall hanging. It is a wonderful Contemporary Art piece that will grace any wall.

    Storm predictions... I am at the point that I don't believe a word they tell us anymore. We were to get 7 ~ 12 inches of snow in the mountains and 4 ~ 6 in the valleys early Sunday morn. Nothing at all in the mountains or valley ! And our weather ''kid's'' specify what community it is going to hit. I keep telling my grandchildren to think about becoming a Meteorologist, because they will never get fired for being wrong. (*._,*)


  12. Did you get snow? I cold not tell from our TV news.

  13. This is stunningly beautiful! I absolutely love it!
    The storm predictions for us this year have been remarkably accurate - much more so than most years, but I still don't totally believe them.


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