
Friday, November 23, 2012

Relaxing day.......

Four out of five grandchildren were here last night.  It is fun to have the midwest and east coast cousins together.  Our Thanksgiving meal will be on Saturday so I'll have all five grandchildren together then.
Here is a better photo of the edible centerpiece.  The fruit is so fresh and delicious.  I've never had chocolate on pineapple before and it is good.  Friends and a niece stopped by in the afternoon.  It was a good relaxing day.


  1. That's a good looking group! Enjoy your family time. That fruit looks delicious!

  2. What a handsome/lovely group of grands you have! Enjoy your holidays.

  3. What a handsome/lovely group of grands you have! Enjoy your holidays.

  4. it is always nice to have a visit from grandchildren isn't it - have fun and enjoy your time with them!

  5. What a good looking group!...I never met a chocolate I didn't like.

  6. Your grandchildren are lovely.
    The edible bouquet looks even better without the plastic over it. Yum!

  7. Man I wish someone had gotten me the edible centerpiece. Yum.

  8. Our dinner is Saturday too. It is great to see all the kids together. the neat looking fruit arrangement.

  9. Good genes in those grand kids...they're all really adorable! What fun for you to have them there together. Have a great weekend...

  10. What a lovely photo of your gorgeous granchildren..
    Oh the Fruit does look delicious...

  11. That is a good looking group of grandchildren! So glad you're getting to visit with them all tomorrow. And just a lot of things are good with chocolate, aren't they? :)

  12. I am curious about the fruit bouquet...what is in the pumpkin bowl that holds the fruit skewers in place?

  13. Great looking grand kids, good food, and a relaxing day - just what the doctor ordered... may your blessings increase, Wanda.

  14. I had all 7 and 3/4 of mine together for the first time in 20 years! the 3/4 th is due on Dec 5th

  15. What a lovely group--enjoy your Saturday; our family is doing a Saturday T-Day at my daughters--five little ones there, too...ENJOY Julierose

  16. Family

    Have fun Saturday, Wanda


  17. What a wonderful holiday weekend you're describing! Enjoy the time with your family . . .
    and you are so right about the Edible Bouquet trucks being COLORFUL. They certainly are!

  18. Those are some smart looking young people! You are lucky to have your family for the holiday weekend.

    Love the fruit assortment, and it comes with a nice container to reuse!

  19. I was happy to get to see your BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME grandchildren. I'd love to see a photo of ALL of you when you gather on Saturday.

    By now your fruit bouquet must be a delicious memory. I too had never had chocolate cover pineapple but anything covered in chocolate has to taste delicious.

    Hope your double vision is fading fast. And you are getting some well deserved rest.


  20. How wonderful to have all the family together! The centre piece looks beautiful too. I love pineapple with chocolate! Well, to be truthful, I like chocolate with just about anything?

  21. Beautiful grandchildren! I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving today! I bet the fruit is all gone by now!

  22. So glad your family got to join you for the holiday, Wanda.


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