
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Determined to sew something.......

I should have remembered that in recovery mode, every other day seems good, the ones between, not so good.  I had more pain because of the pressure of the lead patch against the bruised eye plus learning to put drops in my eyes. When I got the bandage off I look like I have just been in a boxing match and I was the loser.  By late afternoon I was determined to try to sew something with the sewn triangles squares that I made before I had the procedure done.  The blocks aren't pressed yet and I need to redo the center of the blue/green block.  They are blocks 9 and 10 made from triangles cut from scraps with my studio die cutter.
Thanks everyone for your comments.  You are keeping me going with your words of support.  I won't be answering the comments while I have the patch over my eye and limited vision.  I really appreciate the comments though.
I know you are all picturing a nice face fitting eye patch but here is the reality.  It is 4" x 4.25" of lead covered with white tape and a stretchy head band attached.  It either has to overlap my nose or bump into it with a sharp corner that keeps me from breathing out of that nostril.  I am using an old pair of glasses that I don't mind getting stretched out to let my uncovered eye see where I'm going and the other side of the glasses are taped to this patch which keeps sagging because it is heavy.  Like I say, it was not such a good day yesterday.
My dad is in the hospital with the early stages of pneumonia and of course I can't visit him with the radioactive disc in my eye.  My brother said Dad wasn't eating much and weak and barely talking.  He has popped back the last 2 times with pneumonia after antibiotics but he will be 99 next Monday so I'm not sure how he will do this time.


  1. Wanda, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. These things always happen when something else is going on.
    You're right too, after all my procedures, there were good and bad days. I hope each day shall improve a little for you.
    Take care and don't worry about replies to comments!

  2. Sending healing thoughts to you and to your father. Life happens in clusters and bunches and it can feel rough trying to find the bright side of anything. You are important to your blog readers for the morning inspiration you send us every day. It keeps us creating and smiling. Thanks, Wanda, for all you do!!


  3. Sorry to hear about your dad. I can understand your worries. Why do things always happen in clusters like this? Sending positive thoughts his way.
    Take care of yourself Wanda. Don't do too much sewing. Your blocks look terrific, but they shouldn't preclude your wellbeing. If yesterday was a 'not so good day', then today will be much better.

  4. Oh Wanda, sorry to hear about your dad - and that he's sick now, when you can't see him. You can only do what you can do - sending thoughts and prayers for healing for both of you.

  5. Wanda be thankful you Dad is still here. I miss mine terribly. I want to call him. I still have his number in my phone.

    Sending well wishes and prayers to help speed your Dads recovery. go Dad!!!!!

  6. I'm glad to hear that you are on the other side of this procedure! I hope you continue to heal and learn ways to cope in the the interim. I would be the same way...get right back to sewing, ANYTHING! I hope your Dad gets better soon...what lovely longevity you have in your family!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  7. sorry to hear your dad is not well and at a time that you are unable to help makes it worse I'm sure. I was picturing a modern day eye patch that fits just over your eye - not that contraption that you have. Glad it comes off on Tuesday I bet. I also didn't realize you would get a black eye out of this.

  8. Hang in Wanda, it's GOT to get better. Recovery is the tough part, I guess. That eye patch is enough to make you want to say "AAARGH!" alright! Sorry to hear about your and take care...Julierose

  9. Wow...that is some patch. It is more like a boulder over your face, and I am sure the weight of it is worse. Still sending prayers and will add your Dad to my list. Life seems to come in bunches.

  10. More healthy thoughts sent your way Wanda.

  11. You have a big load to carry right now, Wanda. I am praying that you will not push yourself too hard during this week and that you will allow God to carry you--and your Father--through all of this. You are blessed to have your Father still with you. Thank God for your brother to care for him. Take care, my friend.

  12. I am surprised at that "eye patch" - I have never seen one like that. I can only imagine how difficult it is to keep that on.
    Remember to not do too much.
    You and your Dad are in my prayers.

  13. So sorry about your dad. Praying for both of you.

  14. Oh Wanda, I do hope that you are able to visit your dad soon♥
    The eye patch looks like a real contraption but on the upside, you've got the beginnings of a great pirate costume (ha ha!)
    Sending healings thoughts over the miles!

  15. Hi Wanda,
    I hope you don't push yourself too hard. You can always sew when you are healed. I'm sure you're bored since you're usually doing a million things during the day but have you considered books on tape? The library probably even rents whatever you need to listen to them. Prayers for your dad and for a speedy recovery for both of you.

  16. You are a strong woman I admire how you face things head on.
    I will keep you im my prayers. Sorry to hear about your dad. He will be in good hands in the hospital.

  17. Keeping you and your dad in my prayers, and hoping today is much better for both of you.

  18. You are so right about recovery mode - things are measured so differently than in regular day to day living. Little things take on so much more meaning and/or SO much more irritation.

    Thanks for being honest about the process!

    So many prayers heading your way - for you, for your dad, for your brother, for your children, for your entire family . . .

  19. Thinking of you each day, Wanda, and continuing to pray for you.

    You are such an inspiration - but don't over do it - be sure to take care of yourself.


  20. If you start feeling discouraged, remember that there are thousands of people who are sending you healing, comforting vibes.

  21. You're right, that's not the kind of eye patch I was thinking about. Mine was more like a pirates patch. Sorry about yor dad.

  22. Sending prayers for healing for both you and your dad, and strength for your brother as he shoulders the hospital visits in your required absence. The eye patch looks pretty "primitive" and I'm betting all of us quilters and sewers are thinking of ways to redesign the thing for greater comfort while not sacrificing function. Better shape, velcro straps to hold glasses, cheery fabric covers...something Wanda-ful! I'm not suggesting you tackle this, but I do see an opportunity for someone to get more creative in designing these things.

  23. I do hope that you dad does well, Wanda. It gets harder and harder as they age.

    That is quite the contraption for your eye. You would think they could make it custom fitted to the contours of your face!! ;) It does sound like a very uncomfortable wrap. I can imagine what you must look like with all the bruising. I hope that disappears quickly, but suppose it will reappear when they remove the disc.

    I'm keeping you and your dad in my prayers.

  24. Wanda, you have so much on your plate right now and yet you continue to have such a good attitude! You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  25. You have your hands full there with the eye thing and the Dad thing...MY experience is to feel better on day one, to do too much without realizing it, and then to be back stepping for a few frustrating..hard to chill...thinking of you here in Charlotte.

  26. Holding you and your dad in the Light, Wanda, dear. Please do not even THINK of responding! xx, n, np

  27. You exhibit such strength so much of the time. I'm sure that strength and the love of the Father and all your quilting friends will sustain you in this time of trial. That eye patch isn't made for someone to be up and about much. Maybe there's a lesson there. . . .

  28. Take care of yourself Wanda. After your description of wearing that patch I totally understand your frustration; it takes a lot of energy to relax doesn't it? LOL

    Just think a day at a time for now and before you know it things will feel better. I'm sending good thoughts for your Dad too. All my best.

  29. Many prayers continue for you and more for your dad!

  30. I too thought you would have a nice shaped shield to go over your eye. I can see that patch would be quite irritating. Hard to believe that is what they sent you home with.

    And yet you managed to do some sewing on those blocks. You are my hero !

    As if you do not have enough on 'your plate' ... My heartfelt prayers to you and your Dad.


  31. Wanda: Thanks for showing us that patch, so we can more fully understand what you're having to go through. How long do you have to wear it, or do you know? I wish I could share your discomfort somehow to make your load lighter.

    And sorry to hear about your dad. When it rains, it pours, as mom always said. I'm sorry you can't visit him.

    I just had a thought...can your family get you some audio books to listen to while you're in the eye patch? Lots of your mysteries are probably available that way. Just a thought to help your days pass while you're sewing.

  32. Wanda, sending angels to help you take care of YOU!! More prayers to your family and you. Try to just heal. (I know it's hard when you are used to just doing everything! ;?)
    peace -
    <3 judi

  33. i guess you are not driving or going out, but remember, we are all here for you with lots of hugs, comfort and caring wishes, for your Dad too. The patch is huge, and I am so ghlad it is in your cooler weather, and not the summer heat.The blocks look great,How can you still sew with one eye? !!!LOL,(Lots of love) greetings from Jean.

  34. Here's hoping today is a good day for you and your dad, and that all the days to come are good ones. You and your father are in my thoughts. I admire your determination to keep going and sewing!

  35. I hope you are able to quilt some today as your eye heals. So sorry to hear about your dad's illness- so many things for you to cope with just now. Sending you warm wishes for both of your recovery.
    Warmest regards,

  36. Wanda I am so sorry to hear about your dad. There is so much to deal with right now. I hope you can get a little quilting done to help you cope with everything. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  37. Wow, it's definitely not the eye patch I was thinking you would need to wear! You are such a trooper and to keep sewing as well. So sorry to hear about your dad and hope both of your recovery's go well:)
    Take care,

  38. Wanda, just sending you some more positive energy to both you and your Dad.

  39. Wanda

    You and your Dad are in our thoughts and prayers.


  40. Dear Wanda,
    You are being so very brave through all of this. I have nothing but admiration for you.
    AND you still keep quilting! I am deeply impressed.
    Hope your Dad pulls through this bout.

  41. Sending you good thoughts for your Dad. I know how hard it is to not be able to go check on him!

  42. I am adding your dad to my prayers. That eyepatch is something else. You are so good at keeping on keeping on! Hang in there!

  43. Sorry to read your dad has pneumonia. Hope he will pop back again to better health. Also sorry to read you are not feeling well. I hope that both you and your dad recover and return to good health soon.

  44. Speedy recovery to you, Wanda! I hope your Dad bounces back again soon. Sorry you can't visit him, it must be tough on you. But, you're really good at keeping busy, which is the best thing for you.

  45. So sorry to hear that you Dad is not well. Hopefully he will bounce back soon. You have been going through some bad times yourself. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father and the family. I hope you and dad have a speedy recovery.

  46. Oh, Sweetie, just know that Positive Thoughts and Energies are being doubled on your dad's behalf.

    Even with those 'bad' days during recovery those GOOD days are always filled with just a little more good than the last good day.

    May your recovery be as speedy and steady as can be.

    Just know that we'll all sending good wishes for both you and Dad and keeping you both in our Hearts.

    love 'n hugs and more hugs


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