
Friday, November 16, 2012

Another day........

A journey, one day at a time, taking care of that day and not worrying about the next day.  The surgical procedure yesterday took place a half hour before the scheduled time.  My glasses didn't fit over the double shield over the eye so I couldn't do much more than just choose fabric strips in warm tones.  Today I can take off one dressing and start putting drops in my eye and will only have the lead shield to balance my glasses over.  Pain is minimal so far.  Thank you for all of the prayers and good wishes yesterday.
Here are all of the cool colors plus a few duplicate warm color strips, plenty for another quilt or 2.


  1. Glad you are not in pain. Enjoy feeling the fabric

  2. Good Morning, Wanda. I'm glad to read the surgery went well. Now onto healing which I know you do in fine fashion!!! ...and is t it just like you to show us some pretty colorful fabrics. Hugs to you friend. *karendianne.

  3. Amazing what even fondling fabric and planning will do for us. I'm so glad you have minimal discomfort. Your attitude is great, day by day.
    Thinking of you.

  4. I am thinking about you and praying for you.
    Hang in there.

  5. Wanda, wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping all went well. Continued good thoughts and prayers go out to you.

  6. Wishing you all the best for a speedy and full recovery.

  7. thinking of you and hoping you will be able to balance your glasses well so you can make the days go by quickly with your sewing.

  8. I stop by your blog everyday and enjoy your quilts and colors so much but have never commented before. I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way Thank you for sharing your quilting inspiration.

  9. hugs and a prayer that the pain stays to a minimum and the healing process is quick. So good that you can do a little fabric playing while recovering.

  10. You're an amazing woman. I can imagine someone who had your procedure spending the day listening to an audiobook, but I'm not surprised that you got some fabric sorting done!
    Glad to hear the procedure is over and that you aren't in too much pain

  11. So glad it went well and that the pain is minimal...keep on "keepin' on"..our good wishes are with you...Julierose

  12. I am so relieved to hear that the procedure went well and that you are not too uncomfortable. I hope you are back to your normal activities very soon!

  13. Wanda, you are a rock star. You impress the heck out of me. I want to be like you when I "grow up". I am happy the procedure went well and pray for a complete recovery.

    (Millie sends purrs)

  14. That is great news that the procedure went well. I'm very glad to hear that you are not having pain and even feel up to playing with fabric. One day at a time will get you to the healthy place. Hugs and prayers.

  15. What a trooper!! Prayers and thoughts for you and a complete recovery...

  16. Praying for your speedy recovery! You are such an inspiration to me!

  17. A half hour EARLY? Wow. That had to be a nice surprise (compared to waiting an extra hour or two because "they're" running behind schedule).

    Glad the pain level is low and that you can wear your glasses today . . .

    Gorgeous strips of color!!

  18. Praying for a speedy recovery filled with quilty days.

  19. I love how you are taking the best from each day as it arrives. Using your vision limitations to select fabrics was brilliant! I hope the rest of the treatment goes smoothly.

  20. So glad to hear all is well and that you are not in a lot of pain, and glad you felt good enough to pick colors; they're lovely. Continued healing karma headed your way.

  21. Wanda, I'm so happy the procedure is over and hoping the healing process passes quickly. I so admire your.handling of this stressful time and know everything will soon be just a memory.

  22. Looks like every one got up early to find out how your procedure went yesterday. Knowing you, you will cope with the heavy patch and the daily drops. I will continue to pray that the mass disappears. Pleased to hear your pain is minimal.


  23. Glad to hear you don't have much pain. The ward strips and WONDERFUL! We are all wishing and praying for a speedy recovery!

  24. My best thoughts to you for a good recovery and better days in the future.

  25. Good news that the procedure has been done and with minimal pain. You are amazing. I would think many would go home and rest, but you went right back to your fabrics and work. You're such an inspiration for all of us. I hope your treatment passes quickly and, of course, successfully, so you can put all this behind you very soon. PS Selecting fabrics with unclear vision may be a really good technique. Food for thought.

  26. You are unbelievable!! I am so impressed by your spirit and strength. Thank you for posting and letting us know how things are going. Working with fabric is my therapy; may it do the same for you.

    Good thoughts for healing coming your way Wanda.


  27. So glad everything went well. I can see that the surgery did not impact your ability to choose incredible fabrics.

  28. Glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction. What a blessing to have little pain. The fabrics are a joy to behold. I think they reflect your spirit. Best wishes, Kathi

  29. Prayers for a speedy and full recovery. Big hugs!

  30. I think I am a Wanda are really strong and brave and true...u got the fabric therapy thing done too!! Take care...

  31. So glad the procedure went well. I'm believing you'll heal quickly and be back to normal very soon! And playing with Kaffe fabrics always makes me feel better. :)

  32. I'm so glad that you have that behind you Wanda, and it's nice that you were able to be taken in a little early - reduces the fret time. It sounds like everything has gone well, which is great, but just remember to be kind to yourself and patient with the healing. Nice that you could still play with a little fabric - sometimes just the touch of it is therapy enough.

  33. Playing with fabric has great therapeutic powers! I hope you find today a bit easier, being able to balance your glasses, and are back to normal in no time.

  34. One step taken, well done. the colours look great, as alwyas you choose so well. Waiting to see what you make with the warm/cool selections. Fabric is healing and comforting all in itself. Take care. Cheers from Jean

  35. The healing begins now and every day will be better! Playing with fabric is a wonderful way to help the healing!

  36. So glad your procedure is over - and not much pain! And it's always a pleasure for me to see your choice of colors and color groups - gives me good ideas for family Christmas gifts. Your blog name is so apt!

  37. I am glad everything went well and you are feeling good. Thinking about you even if I don't always get here!

  38. Speedy recovery to you. I guess you have the pirate look now.

  39. Aren't you glad you have your fabrics in strips! You can choose fabs and carry on!

    Looking forward to tomorrow and a bit more healing....


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