
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

And more red......

When I am making mug rugs to sell I try to have 2 similar of each group of fabric to encourage the purchase of 2.  I never make them alike or even the same exact size, just similar.
The only thing these 2 have in common is that they are both batik fabrics, have the same backing and same binding.
One of these Christmas mug rugs has batiks added and the other doesn't.  I was running low on scraps on the sewing table and didn't want to look for any more.  I think the bottom one will go well with one that I sent home with my daughter.  Now I need to get these in the mail so she will have all of them for the Gallery Crawl on the first Friday of Dec.  I think my double vision is under control enough to drive 7 blocks to the post office and grocery store.  It mostly bothers me when I'm tired or in a large open space.  At home in smaller rooms I'm fine. 


  1. how do you do your binding so that it is so SQUARE on corners?

  2. Sounds like you're recovering quite well.

  3. Happy to hear that you are getting around and what better place to have normal vision that at home at your machine. Love those mug rugs!!!

  4. Your mug rugs look great! Glad to hear that you are getting around better and that the double vision is clearing up.

  5. Those look wonderful. I am happy to see that the eye treatment only gave you a (rather short) temporary setback. I am also thrilled that you are doing so well. I know that "open spaces" were worse for me after my eyelid surgery too. However, it passed pretty quickly and I think yours will too.

  6. I love these little mug rugs! What a great addition to the gallery shop. I think that they are perfect for holiday gift giving! Glad that your double vision is getting better. Hopefully it will be back to normal real soon!

  7. I've been enjoying making some mug rugs too

  8. They are beautiful. I am so glad your recovery is going well.

  9. love the red, makes sense making them so people would want to buy more than one to have a set.
    glad your vision is getting better.

  10. What a lot of red: I would go blind from that. But your rugs look great and I know they will be a hit at the Crawl. And, no, we are not traveling to NC to see this exhibit. ;-)

  11. So glad your vision is improving quickly! Those mug rugs are great! I am planning on making a few as Christmas gifts as soon as I finish this quilt that is a gift.

  12. I love those mug rugs, red is one of my favorite colors. I hadn't noticed I was putting red in every quilt I made til one of my guild members pointed it out to me! I'm glad you're on the road to recovery and that you're getting around easier.

  13. glad to hear of the improvement. Love the cardinal mug rug is it for sale?

  14. Marvelous splash of red on my computer screen this morning - stunning!

    Glad you are about to venture out on your own -- I know you'll be careful and I hope you feel a sense of accomplishment when you pull back into your driveway!!

  15. Love these! I've made several journal covers using batiks and your pattern and the red ones really appeals to me. I'm thinking of making cushion covers for my living room in a similar style. So glad to hear that your eyesight is returning quickly - just remember not to overdo it.

  16. Ciel Gallery featuring a display of your DAZZILING RED mug rugs. They make such wonderful gifts and designed by Wanda.

    Hope your trip to the post office went well today.


  17. Ciel Gallery featuring a display of your DAZZILING RED mug rugs. They make such wonderful gifts and designed by Wanda.

    Hope your trip to the post office went well today.


  18. Those are lovely. They would be a treasured gift for the recipient.

  19. These are so beautiful~! Continued good wishes for your healing...

  20. All so lovely, yummy reds. Glad your double vision has not slowed you down very much and you are doing well.

  21. Wonderful rugs,Wanda. I love how you have been handling your health issue. You're very inspiring. I draw strength from your strength.

  22. Those are really awesome! I forget sometimes about mug rugs and how they make great quick to sew projects. Happy holiday sewing!

  23. I always love your mug rugs. All red is a great idea; who could resist how cheery they are? Glad your eyesight is getting better. Double vision is frustrating. You're doing so well, despite it all. My hero.

  24. Those mug rugs are beautiful -- so perfect for this time of year!
    Glad to hear you're recovering so well. I hope you find the double vision is completely gone in no time.

  25. Very neat. I like that you have used several different patterns. Keeps down the boredom of doing the same thing over and over

  26. I meant what a smart way to do a project....


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