
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Two projects...........

This small piece was a sample for a class that didn't get enough students.  It is only 31" x 43.5".  The quilting on it was really an experiment to see how it would work to do the meandering on the longarm and then go to the regular sewing machine for the ditch quilting where all of the color changes are.  It worked out pretty well.  I had to ease it in a little in a few places.  I don't think I would try this on a larger piece though unless I did some tack basting on the longarm before I removed it.
A closer view.  Now I need to cut the binding and finish it.
When I finished that one I started the quilting on the hand dyed zig zag quilt.  I'm using the 12 wt. thread that I got on sale last month in the top and the 30 wt. of a similar color variegated in the bobbin.  I'm almost 1/3 of the way across it.
A friend came over yesterday morning and helped me measure and figure prices on some more quilt tops so I'll be loading a few more photos to my Wandaful blogshop some time today and for a few days following.  She helped me make some decisions that I was struggling with and I am so grateful for the help. 
Thank you everyone again for the uplifting and positive comments yesterday.  I didn't answer every one of them but please know that I really appreciate them.


  1. I'm up early today, so I have this chance to toss you some Goddess dust. I figure wherever your tests are here in Chicago I'll hit those on the way to Sandwich. :) Good thots all around.

  2. I missed reading yesterday, but am caught up now. Still sending prayers for your issues. I know first hand how much blogland can lift you up when things are heavy on you. Head up and sew on.

  3. What a stunning piece this one is. I love the combination of stitch in the ditch and meandering in the dark colors.

    Your zig-zag is as striking as your stitching is. Makes a beautiful strong statement.

    My prayers for you are constant.


  4. Do you have your zig zag quilt on your frame or are you using your domestic sewing machine? The combined effect of the meander and stitch in the ditch is really nice, even if it was some trouble.

  5. That small quilt is stunning. The black makes the colours really pop!

  6. Wanda,

    You have been such an uplifting and cheerful part of my everyday life for the past few years. Keep your chin up.

    I will lift you up in prayer throughout the days as you come to mind.


  7. Friends across the miles, and oceans, sending messages of care,hope,comfort and love,each one heartfelt and sincere.We truly do live in a wonderful world, where in the blink of an eye, you receive so much.Take care, hope all that headache has gone,love the zig-zag so much.Fond greetings from Jean

  8. Wow they are both SO pretty. I really like the first one. It makes a statement in a loud voice!

  9. The Zig Zag is glorious! Love all the color. Still sending prayers and healthy thoughts.

  10. Whoa, Wanda, that zigzag is ON FIRE !

    Beautiful !

  11. christijowinter933@yahoo.comOctober 20, 2012 at 6:03 PM

    Love, love, LOVE the fabrics in the zig zag quilt! They are totally you--bringing joy to the universe, one quilt at a time.

    Best of luck with your tests, Wanda. Hope you are feeling the hugs everyone is sending you across cyberspace.

  12. Love how you quilted the zigzag quilt.


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