
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Triangle play time..........

I just needed to do some mindless fun sewing last night.  I have 2 boxes full of triangles this size and lots of them were already sewn into squares.
On the second piece I added in squares that had one solid color triangle.  It gives a diagonal row effect.
I baked frosted creams to take to the reunion today.  If you aren't familiar with them, they are kind of like gingerbread.  Dad is going to the reunion.  He will be the oldest person there at 98.
This is the last little bouquet of the season.  The frost should kill back most of the pot plants.  I didn't realize how well petunias would last in a bouquet.  Next year I will pick them more often.


  1. Love this triangle quilt! Triangles are so dynamic, they seem to be in motion all the time. And the flowers are beautiful! Ours are completely gone in the rain.

  2. As always your quilts and colour just 'blow me away' Loved the look of the cakes too! It's good to catch up with you again. Enjoy your reunion. Joan

  3. Love the triangles, and thanks for the top oon Petunias. I've never picked them, but have just planted lots out ready for Summer.

  4. This is . . . thanks for the TIP on

  5. I meant That is . . . (and I haven't even had a drink yet!!!)

  6. I'm missing my little bouquets too. The flowers are almost done here. I still have nasturtiums.
    I've never heard of those squares. They sound good.
    Have a great reunion!

  7. Bright Triangles to brighten your day. Looks like fun to me. Chris

  8. pretty bouquet,I for some reason didn't know petunia's did well as cut flowers

  9. Mindless sewing is sometimes the best thing!! Those frosted creams look yummy! Have fun at the reunion.

  10. The triangles are so great!!

    I don't think that I have ever picked petunias for a bouquet. Interesting.

    How did the appointment go?

  11. So nice and colorful. Nice to have these ready to sew.

  12. I just love the first one Wanda - such great colour & print combos. And your frosted creams look pretty amazing too - I'd love it if you posted the recipe some time. Have fun at the reunion!

  13. I never get tired of HST's...always so much fun and potential! Oooo! Frosted creams look quite delicious. I would LOVE it if you shared the recipe - gingerbread is so good this time of year!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  14. Great Saturday post... Bright and happy triangle pieces. And OMG ~ Frosted Creams ~ look so good and perfect for an autumn day. And such a pretty lil bouquet.

    I hope you were able to get an appointment to see a Retina specialist, like on Monday. As a rule your Opthamologist gets you scheduled through their office immediately.


  15. Beautiful triangles! I hope you have a great time at your reunion; good health and blessings to your dad :o)

  16. How beautiful!
    Another great thing about petunias is you can just cut off a piece and stick in a pot and it will root, grow, and bloom from the new plant in a few weeks.
    Yep the more you cut them the more flowers you get :0).
    Oh well time to move onto the next won't be long before we have frost here in NY too.

    Happy Sewing

  17. Isn't it fun to have shapes cut out and ready to play! Yours are really looking pretty.

    Recipe? They look delicious.

    And I love to pick petunias. Their fragrance is so sweet. I was just repotting some plants I had in the house. They are tired, too. Maybe they can stay outside for a while now. We've got months of mild weather before a freeze usually.

  18. I yanked my petunias yesterday. So sad having to say goodbye to them for another season. Enjoy your reunion; love your little triangles. Karmen

  19. Oh, I need to do that with some triangles. I've had a pile of them sitting on the side of my machine since two quilts ago. And the other day I found another little stack. I love the look of them with miscellaneous lights and darks ! I always think I have to do something with the squares once they're pieced, so you've just given me 'permission' to piece the triangles and then put them away until more 'appear' !

    Thanks.......loving the bouquet !

  20. hooray for mindless fun sewing. Soothes the soul. LOVE the triangles.

  21. You make it look so easy with those triangles. Love seeing the different effects.

  22. Those are really great HS triangle blocks. I love the colors, very bright and cheery.


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