
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Number 2 done........

I quilted and bound the frog quilt yesterday.  I did the binding all by machine.  It ended up about 41" x 54", perfect for a baby or small child.
On this wallhanging I trimmed the extra batting and backing then folded the outside edges to the middle and found that the borders were longer than the center.  I could tell the border needed more quilting so I went back and added lines between the ones I did a couple nights ago.  The border has to be as densely quilted as the center or the borders will be wavy.


  1. The frog quilt is really cool, isn't it? I always learn so much from you, Wanda. Thank you!

  2. The frog quilt would be treasured by any child! So cute! Great tip on quilting density.

  3. I like both quilts, but there is something very endearing about the frog quilt. I didn't know it before, but I think I love frog fabrics. Especially after seeing this little sweetie.

  4. I have never seen so many darling frog prints ever. And you have made them hop right off the screen into my heart. (*._,*)

    I did not know that dense quilting on the border would help the body of the quilt from being wavy. Another great tip from Wanda.


  5. The froggie quilt really turned out pretty. Some child will love it.
    My biggest quilting problem is consistency. I hadn't thought about that less quilting in the borders causing them to be wavy. See, I always learn something from you!

  6. The frog quilt is adorable. Instantly made me smile.

  7. The links on Lynne Tyler's page to her tutorial for the Slashed Squares quilt pattern are broken so the cutting instructions are gone! I can't find the dimensions for the center square or the strips around the center square - can you help, please?

  8. Hello I love this quilt and would love to make it bit I can't find the instructions. Please help.


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