
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Keeping busy

I finished the dozen Christmas pillowcases for our church project, made with donated fabric.  They still need pressing and then I can deliver them.
I worked on the ditch quilting on this piece.  I finished all of the blue and purple areas and started the green.  This is a small piece, almost too small for a baby quilt, or at least an odd shape for one.
The gold mound spirea bushes are starting to change color.  Their blooms are dried and delicate.
I'm undergoing 2 tests this evening.  I have been healthy all my life and have never had to have these tests before.  I know others have undergone them multiple times.  It's always a little scary the first time.


  1. I woke up thinking about this being the day you were to have these tests. I pray all goes well.

  2. Thinking of you and praying as I type! Wishing you all the best for the tests and the results!

  3. I, too, am praying that all goes well for you!

  4. You are in my prayers today...I hope everything goes well! I have been feeling punky for a few days, and have not been doing much blog-reading...look how productive YOU have been! (Beautiful QOV project and the pillowcases look amazing!)

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  5. I've had so many tests I've kind of gotten used to it. The lead up to any of them is often the worst. I will be sending my good thoughts!

  6. Holly is right sometimes the lead up and the anxiety created by having to have the tests are more stressful than the tests themselves.
    I do hope that all well be well. It is always better just to be able to find out what is wrong and then you can face it head on and deal with it.

  7. I can only imagine how difficult if has been for you these past several days; I am amazed that you have been as busy and productive as ever.
    I hope the tests tonight go well and that you are able to get some good news. I'm not religious, but I am sending warm, optimistic thoughts your way.

  8. Thinking of you as well, Wanda. Thinking positive!!

  9. Best wishes on your tests. I am going to the pain doctor today hopefully for relief in my back.

  10. Thinking of you, Wanda, as you anticipate those tests. And will be thinking of you afterwards as you wait and wait for the outcome.

  11. Wanda, Always read your blog, have never left a message. Just want to know that I am praying for you and all the tests you have taken and have yet to take. Praying for great results and continued good health. God's blessings to you

  12. Praying all goes with the tests and results. Take care.

  13. Hope all turns out, well, Wanda.

  14. Best of luck with your tests Wanda - they will be over before you know it.

  15. Bst wishes and prayers for good results from your tests. As others have said, the anticipation is often the worst part. You are an inspiration to many, in many ways!


  16. Hoping and praying that all goes well with the tests!

  17. 1. good luck with the tests.
    2. saw the spirea photo & thought, "Pretty batik."

  18. You can't have too many prayers, so add mine to the list. Praying for your comfort during the tests, good results, answers and easy treatments, peace of mind, and many happy healthy productive years to come!

  19. *Tossing Goddess dust for good luck from Chicago*

  20. I've been thinking about you Wanda and will continue sending positive thoughts your direction today!

  21. Cheering you on from here in Charlotte..thinking the best for you.

  22. I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. I'm so sorry you have to go through all this but hopefully you'll get news that everything is good and can forget all about the last couple of weeks of stressing.

  23. My prayers are with you for comfort during this time haveof stress. You have been such an inspiration to me since I found your blog. Feel Good's arms around you during the test and the waiting for a positive answer.

  24. Good luck. I will be thinking about your today and hope all your test results are negative.
    Oh my. Love the delicately soft colors of the spirea bushes. Thank you for sharing.

  25. You are in my thoughts and prayers for a healthy report. Lovely photo of the spirea bushes. Hugs!


  26. Good Luck to you Wanda,and more good luck to come.Wig.

  27. Best of luck with your tests!
    I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers for a good bill of health.

    Kay in Kansas

  28. Positive thoughts coming your way!

  29. Hugs and prayers for super quick turnaround time to get your test results . . . holding you close in my heart!

  30. I'm sending you both prayers and hugs.I hope you get the test results quickly-sometimes the waiting is as stressful as the tests themselves.

  31. I am adding my prayers to all of the comments posted.

    I like the additional border you added to the pillow cases. Makes them look extra special.

    Your Spirea is sensational. Love the mix of pale yellow, green, burgundy. I know I missed stating all colors but that photo is so gorgeous.

  32. Best wishes for good results on the tests tonight. I hope you don't have a long wait to hear the results. First times for test are always a little scary. I will be thinking about you all day.

    The Calico Cat is right. The colours in the Spirea would make a lovely batik!

    Take care and keep busy (it helps)!


  33. It helps to keep busy, doesn't it? You are getting a lot done. Your spireas are beautiful. Ours never change color, but then we don't usually get much fall color here. Praying for you.

  34. It's all been said already, hoping your tests are not too uncomfortable and that we hear positive results from you soon. Keeping you on my list! I got a ton of applique and hexi's done while waiting for appts.

  35. I hope you find the tests not too uncomfortable and that the results are good.
    I'll be thinking of you. I went through a battery of tests last year and know how disconcerting some of it can be.

  36. Just a note to tell you that I am thinking of you and hoping that all goes well with your tests and outcome.

    Denise in Sacramento

  37. The spirea is gorgeous.
    Tests are always scary, especially the first time. Hope they all come back ok.

  38. Thinking about you and sending prayers.

    Loved seeing your recent works. The frog quilt is great. The inspiration for quilts can come from anywhere - including plants.

  39. Hi Wanda,
    Thinking of you...the waiting for results is the hardest part, I think. Maybe you'll have to keep yourself distracted!
    Vicky F

  40. The spirea does look like beautiful batik fabric. Let all the good thoughts and prayers help you get thru this and look how many people are in your corner.

  41. Thinking about you and hoping that all goes well. Sending positive thoughts and cyber hugs.

  42. Been thinking about you all week. Praying for a GOOd outcome.

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  44. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way. I just know everything will come out well and you will continue to quilt for many more years..

  45. Tests are always scary when you don't have any idea what to expect. I wish you luck on the tests tonight and have been saying prayers for you. I hope you have a good friend that you can talk to as that seems to help me when I have had problems., Good luck tonight with the tests.


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