
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sharing plants........

Some of my art quilter friends expressed interest in cuttings from my coleus plants.  It is supposed to go down to the 30s here tonight so it is time to bring some in and root them.  I just stuck all 4 in the same cup to start out.  I'll check on them every couple days and when they start rooting I'll separate them out so their roots don't get tangled.  I have a couple more kinds in another container.  I would like to say I'll pot them right away too but I know better.  I have good intentions but.........
I have a friend who needs some kid prints for her new grandson so I started looking through my fabrics last night.  I spied this one and thought 'a nice cow print'.  On second thought I'm not sure this is appropriate (or a nice cow print for that matter) for a little one!
This one might be a better choice.


  1. I haven't taken cuttings from coleus for years. I will have to try and do that again for next year. The cow prints are neat. Chris

  2. Lol! I'm with you about the fabric selection. Great idea about the cuttings. I want to plant some pansies this fall...maybe the deer will stay away.

  3. I, too, agree with your fabric choice. I'm surprised to see cows in your stash!

  4. The cow fabric is so. Funny! Makes me smile!

  5. I love making new plants and sharing them with friends

  6. Love your comments about the cow prints . . . funny!

  7. Those cows in the first print look a little mean. The second print is a better choice.

  8. I think a young child would like the second cow print better, but both are fun prints.

  9. I think the first cow print is hysterical but probably not for a child's quilt. The second one is the better choice -- I agree with you.

  10. I agree with you on the cow print. I honestly do not know of anyone person that has as many fabrics selections as you Wanda !


  11. I don't pot them up at all. I leave them in water in little vintage bottles all winter on the bathroom windowsill. They grow roots and next spring I will stick them in the mixed pots on the deck. And next fall, I will take cuttings again...

  12. Sheesh! 30's? I'm thrilled that we might edge down into the upper fifties this week. I am so ready for cooler weather. And the cow prints are neat!

  13. The cows brought to mind when I used to take my daughter to the Como Zoo when she was very young. She loved the animal butts. Too bad I didn't have the cow butt print for her then.

    Sally in St. Paul

  14. That print with kisses on cow butt must have marinated in your stash for quite a while - I remember using that fabric (or perhaps one similar?) to make a high school home ec project - 16 years ago! It is a totally appropriate fabric for a kid who is being taught to be kind to animals.


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