
Monday, September 17, 2012

Only a little sewing.......

I always have to do 2 loads of laundry the day before the art quilters group comes to my house.  The washer and dryer are there in the basement and I don't want a bunch of smelly clothes sitting in the hampers when company comes.  Add that to baking 2 batches of cookies and vacuuming one last area and I really didn't do much sewing.  Over the last week I have sewn these strips sets to prepare for making another piece in my Prismatic Garden series.  I have a pile of triangles left over from the last 2 quilts to add in with the triangles I will cut from these sets.  I will make about another 20 sets before I am ready to go to the design wall.  I am ready for a fun day.


  1. Ha! your idea of a little is what some people would consider a major accomplishment. Those strip sets look good!

  2. These look good, I should do more preparation when quilting. Mine just seem to evolve

  3. Pretty strip sets! Enjoy your day today!

  4. it might be work preparing for your art quilt group but we know you love the art group - worth it in the end

  5. Such lovely sets of strips. Are they each the width of the fabric?

  6. Just looking at your strips sets makes my day. So pretty and I can just imagine them in your Prismatic Garden piece.

    I know your day will be an 'EXUBERANT' one.. with your art quilters. It will be difficult to lure them out of your newly painted living/ dining area.


  7. I love the colors in your strips. Get together's with other quilters is so much fun. I'm sure they appreciate your hospitality.

  8. The colours in those sets of strips are wonderful! Can't wait to see what these turn into.

  9. Those are some good looking strip sets, and I agree - what you call little is much by most people's standards.


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