
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Interrupted TV.......

Last night I went to the basement to do some more cutting on the I Spy kits and I turned on TV so I would know when Castle was coming on.  Every few minutes this sign popped on my screen.  It has happened before but maybe a couple times and then it was fine.  I decided to call and see what it was all about.  The lady at the other end reset my cable box remotely and then the signal came through after about 5 min.  The sign came back on again though so I have a tech coming to look at it in a couple days. (35 min. on the phone) Meanwhile I quit cutting and went back upstairs to watch Castle and to separate the 5" squares into kits.
The new Hoffman batiks of the season have arrived at Batiks Plus.  They always get them before anyone else.  I admit it, I'm a Hoffman snob.  I like them better than any other brand on the market.  Check out the Batiks Plus blog and see the whole 300 new styles and colors.  I just had to have a couple new purples.


  1. Purple batiks...can't get much better than that! I hope your cable issues are resolved quickly.

  2. Don't you hate it when that happens? I'd like to know what cable says about that as I have that same notice on my basement TV, but only on certain channels, my favorites of course. Grrrrr

  3. I checked out the new line and it would be hard to pick what to buy! The colors are outstanding!

  4. Oh, you are such an enabler . . . those new Hoffman colors are glorious!

    Good luck with Comcast (what a pain).

  5. Love the purples!!!!
    Comcast is a pain in the butt. At least they will reimburse you if they don't come out in the 2 hour time period that they say they will be out. I have had them make an appointment and never call or show up. What a wasted day waiting for them.

  6. Oh grr....I hate those techy problems and the time they consume.

  7. Internet and Tv problems are as bad as car problems as far as I'm concerned. I love Castle! Also Greys Anatomy, Revenge and some others that are finally coming back on. Love the batiks

  8. No wonder you couldn't resist -- those are gorgeous batiks!!

  9. That has been happening to us with Comcast for the last month. Since we are ALL Comcast we have learned how to reset the controller but it is a PAIN. I was sure it was a plot to control our viewing habits (my DH really rolled his eyes on THAT one...) but it actually seems to be major upgrades that Comcast is doing and affecting EVERYONE. Grrrrrrrrrrr is right!

  10. The first thing I read on your Blog today, was "your Comcast" notice and I thought OMG I do not have Comcast service here. I panic so easily anymore. (*._,*) I hope they got it all running for you. Nothing more aggravating to be paying for a service with problems. My daughter is having similar problems, only on the "Dish" satellite service.

    I am a huge "Castle" fan also. Loved the opening program for the season. I also watch DTWS right before. The old garment tailor I am... I enjoy seeing those skimpy costumes and try and figure out how they are held together. (*._,*) And the dancing of course is always fun to laugh and sigh about.

    Those Batiks are absolutely beautiful !


  11. Well, I don't blame you a bit. Those are some gorgeous purples, especially the one on the left. And doesn't it just make you mad that when the new shows finally start, the cable messes up?

  12. @#&%* Squirrels! They've eaten into our cables a few times.
    Love your new purples.

  13. Another Castle lover. I am out of town this week and didn't get to watch it. Thank goodness for on demand when I get home.

  14. They are gorgeous, those batiks! I have the one on the left, too!


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