
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hot and sticky-stay inside...........

We had tropical humidity in the Chicago area again yesterday.  It became a day of sewing for me.  I sewed 14 blocks, 7 A's and 7 B's.  I have some low contrast and some high contrast blocks. Variety is what makes a quilt interesting.

I haven't sewn these 2 groups into blocks because I don't know if I need A's or B's for the last row.  With an uneven number of rows in length, the top row and bottom row are the same kind.
AND, for some variety for my short attention span, I started basting this one.
The big Sandwich Fair (DeKalb County) starts today.  It is the last, the largest and the cleanest county fair in Illinois.  I'm not sure if I will go out there this year.  Time will tell.  Storms predicted for this afternoon and hot.  Friday looks like the best day because it will be the beginning of some temps in the 70s, my kind of weather.


  1. 5:03 am and the storms are about 20 minutes away at this,point high winds with it. We have to go out in it this morning. The blocks look great and I'm sure your attention span will get through it. Chris

  2. Love the high contrast blocks, especially with your use of black and white fabrics!! I think today we have your humid weather. Woke up to foggy windows.

  3. I like the latest blocks. Can't wait to see them sprinkled with the ones you already have done.
    I has been so humid here too! I hate the humidity! We have received some more rain I think from Issac, but today the sun is shining.

  4. we are close to 100 again for several days now, but a cool front is coming! you will get it before us in the meantime we sew.

  5. 1. I am enjoying watching this process.
    2. I am glad that "you" are making the blocks.
    3. Today is the first day that I can "see" the differnce in the A & B blocks. (& I am a "visual" person!)
    4. Why do you need A & B blocks?

  6. Love the B&W that you have added to your blocks. Looking forward to seeing the final photo. The hand dye looks great.

  7. I'm curious about why you are basting a quilt, unless you're not planning to use your long arm machine?

  8. We had that same weather yesterday - felt like one needed gills to breathe out there! Today is much nicer.
    I love watching these triangles coming together. The blocks are so gorgeous!

  9. Oh Wanda ~ love those black/yellow,orange blocks. They come across so vivid on my screen. I know they are even more colorful in real life.

    That Sandwich Fair ALWAYS tugs at my heart strings every year. I have such wonderful childhood memories of that fair and coming back for it, off and on over the years is always great time for seeing friends from days gone by. Not to mention the needle artwork in the Women's Bldg. (*._,*)


  10. Love all the fabrics in this quilt top.
    Still hot and humid here in NC. Clouds and showers until next Tuesday. Remnants of tropical storms, I guess.

  11. Oh, yes, I like lots of different value blocks in my quilts, too.

    I wish that our local fair had competition for quilts and homecrafts........or even just the good ol' cows and chickens ! $12.00 to go and watch people stand in line for rides is just too rich for my blood. Oh how I used to love the rides as a kid, though.......remember how exciting all the bright lights and music were?

    Crazy for the basted ziggers !

  12. Looking good! I hope your cooler weather come in, believe it or not - we've been promised some for this weekend, too. I can hardly wait. I am SO over summer!

  13. love your batik top.

  14. Well I am inspired. My house is still builder white. I used to paint ut at 60 something I thought well ...let someone else do it...Now I think I can do it??? Maybe I'll start with....uhhhhh. The bathroom, cause it is small. LOL . I love your quilt. keep on paintin :)

  15. The orange/yellow with the floral on the dark background is a FANTASTIC combo! Can't wait to see where those squares lead to!


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