
Friday, September 14, 2012

Getting back to normal..........

The painting is done, most furniture is back where it will stay, some will still get moved to new spots.  My brother and wife will leave today to visit more friends and family in MI.  I laid this quilt top over the couch to see how it looks in the living room.  I had made it in May intending for it to be finished and hang on this wall.  That was before I had any idea that I would be painting the living/dining room.  I think I will still like it there.  Here is a full view of the top the week I finished it.  Today I will reorganize my thoughts and prepare for my art quilters on Monday.


  1. The quilt looks great on the couch! I say it was made for this room!

  2. Whether you hang in on the wall or leave it on they couch -it looks great with the wall and the couch.

  3. I like the look of the quilt on the couch too. You are getting an amazing amount done, especially with all the visitors you have had over the last couple of weeks!

  4. I would certainly like it on my wall! It's gorgeous!

  5. I think the quilt will look great over the sofa! I can't wait to see pictured of the room after it's all settled back!

  6. Beautiful quilt - either on the back of the sofa or on the wall, it will look great!

  7. Love the quilt and the purple paint - beautiful!

  8. I always like quilts on the wall - it really adds color - when I put them on the back of the couch they tend to slide out of place - that is why I put them on the wall instead - either that or fold them and put on the arm of the couch but then you can't see the whole thing well

  9. I bet you're glad the painting is finally done. Quilt looks great and will really fill in the wall with color.

  10. It will look even better with the fresh paint.

  11. Your room looks so nice. Love the quilt. It will look lovely on the wall. Glad you are having fun with all your visitors between working so hard.

  12. Love that quilt. Looks perfect on the back of the couch.

  13. You will knock the socks off your Art Quilters... With your new rooms ! AND Hang the quilt ... as if I have a say. (*._,*) It will make such a wonderful statement than on the couch. And every inch needs to be seen, it is too beautiful for someone to set on or lean against.

    That said... I will sign off. J ~MT

  14. Awesome quilt, and good job with the painting!!!

  15. It rather looks like portals into other worlds. I've tried making the drunkard's path blocks, but mine never looked this good. ;)

  16. I love your quilt. Is it your pattern or did you buy it? I would love to make one like that some day. It will look beautiful over your couch. You have had a very busy week but it has to be nice to get together with your family.

  17. That quilt would look amazing wherever you put it, but it really pulls the room together. It's perfect!


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