
Friday, September 7, 2012

A fun day......

It was so much fun yesterday morning meeting another blogger.  I can't tell you who it was until she gets home from her trip but I can tell you we had a great time talking 'quilt'.  Her husband checked out the fair and was impressed with the size of our fairgrounds.  After they left I got out my helpers, super sliders and started moving furniture away from the next wall to be painted.
I'm going to show you why I hate my carpeting.  I had it put in 17 years ago and painted the walls the same shade of taupe and was very happy with it.......until the carpeting started changing color.  The pink area is where furniture was sitting. The carpet has a green cast in some areas and some areas are still taupe.  The dark area near the wall is the rust from the bleeder leaking earlier this year.    The only good news in all of this is that furniture will always cover the rust, and the carpet doesn't look as sick with the new contrasting paint color.  I got the ceiling line taped on 20' of this 30' wall and I need to move the roll top desk before I can finish it.  I will have to take all of the drawers out and then I can lift the corners just enough to stick the sliders under.  I have moved the desk before so I know I can do's not fun, but I can do it.
My reward for prepping the wall was sewing the 5 strip sets that I chose the day before.
Here is the reward I will have after painting on Saturday and Sunday.


  1. Sounds like you had fun. The prep time is what kills me when painting. You are getting closer to being done. Chris

  2. 'I am woman, hear me roar!' That being said, don't hurt your back!

  3. Great reward! These books will be in my shop soon! I can't wait!

  4. What a busy day! Your strip sets are beautiful! Is the Dreaming in Color a knitting or quilting book? I will have to search out the Kaffe Quilts Again and see if they have it at the library. Is there hardwood under the carpet or just subfloor? Hardwood is nice, but unfortunately mine needs refinished badly and I will need a professional to at least do the sanding and sealing. I plan on doing the varnish myself.

  5. I have some rust stains on my carpet too and they aren't covered - furniture used to be in a different arrangement that didn't work out - it hid it then but not now - one day it will be changed. You will be glad to be done with painting I know - it is always such a chore - painting always falls to me as hubby would just leave it and never change it. I did my kitchen a couple years ago but do not like the color I chose and my bathroom needs redoing also - oh well, maybe next year?

  6. You constantly amaze me....moving furniture even with glides is hard work. Those strip sets look good...make me want to play some too.
    Btw....I finished up my sewing on the squares. Very happy with it. Thanks.

  7. Thanks for sharing this information. I found it very informative as I have been researching a lot lately on practical matters such as you talk about.

  8. You are a bad influence I had to order both of those books. I just love all the colors he uses, they are happy colors. Have a great day Wanda

  9. Sewing with Kaffe is always a great reward.

  10. Careful with your back. The strips are beautiful, Wanda.
    Oh my. More Kaffe Fassett books! Great reward!

  11. Love the "hear me roar" comment above!

    I'm still glowing from our recent visit ~ you are wonderful!!

    Off to check out the two new KF books . . .

  12. Rewards like that are definitely worth the work!!!

  13. your reward looks midy fine. And you well deserve it.

  14. Rewards are a good motivation - love your choices.

  15. Painting is on the agenda for the weekend here too, and I'm in the midst of rearranging my home office... you just inspired me to browse my Amazon wish list for a suitable "reward" when these chores are done!

  16. I too love those sliders... they work great and I always impress my husband... "with look what I did". (*._,*)

    Could not believe the dramatic color change in your carpet.

    Your sewn strips are even prettier sewn together.

    Hope your weather allows you to finish your painting. And you can put your feet up and browse through your magazines.



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