
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Neglected garden..........

It was already getting dark last night when I decided to go out and take some photos.  The coreopsis are more yellow in daylight, almost orange at night.  They are doing OK despite no rain.
The hostas on the other hand are really suffering.  I bought a new hose and need to get it hooked up today and start watering.  The rain missed us yesterday and no more in sight for the rest of this week.
Both of my hydrangeas are looking good.  They are in the sun for part of the day.
I don't remember if I ever came up with a name for this plant.  They grow about 3-4' tall and have a tall stalk of flowers.  They are like weeds, coming up everywhere.  They die  back totally about mid August.  They are tolerant of low moisture too so I'm happy for something that is looking good.  It has been so hot since I got home that I haven't gotten out to start dealing with the weeds and grass that is going to seed.  It sounds like we are getting a couple cooler days in the middle of the week.
I washed 30 yards of fabric for pillowcases for our church sewing circle yesterday and cut out 12 pillowcases for the ladies to sew.  I did all of the pressing while they sewed.  We wash the fabric before we make them so they won't twist like a lot of purchased pillowcases do.

Continuing the story I started yesterday about painting my living/dining room:  It was last painted 17 years ago so it really needs it.  I had the walls painted taupe and got taupe carpeting installed that year.  The carpeting is now pink in some areas, has a green cast in other areas and is taupe in the rest, with the large rust stain from my baseboard heater that leaked.  I decided to start with the painting and hopefully can tear out the carpet and put in bamboo flooring.  The paint color I'm considering is a smoky or grayed lavender, mid tone, not pastel, not dark.  I think the quilts on the walls would look good with it.


  1. quilts on the wall sound wonderful for your living room. and your flowers are suck pretty inspiration.

  2. Good luck with getting ahead of the weeds. They seem to grow with out rain. I want to paint a room blue gray very pastel in color. Sounds good to me. Quilts will look good on your color choice. Chris

  3. I used to have tons of coreopis, but don't anymore. Looking at yours it makes me want to go and get some. My friend has bamboo flooring, it is beautiful. That would look fantastic with the colors your are talking about for the room.

  4. Your mystery blue flower is a campanula - I love it even though it grows like a weed here!

  5. I have that flower too.
    The paint color sounds really nice and will be beautiful with the flooring.
    We're expecting a warm day today. I plan not to do much as I really mind the heat.

  6. your carpet sounds like it is in the same shape that my carpet is in! A couple rust spots here and there, dirty no matter how much it is vacuumed. It started out kind of a blue-gray - I don't know what you would call it now, I think we have had it for about 20 years - I wasn't thinking it was that long until I remembered our girls were in college and they are now close to 40 - both of them!

  7. Your flowers are beautiful. I think the paint color will be perfect. Hope you get some rain. We are on our third day of rain in SC. My crepe myrtles were planted last friday so the rain is timely.

  8. Very interested in how you end up dealing with the moving of ALL the stuff in the living and dining room so the "floor" guys are happy when you get to the floor. I need paint and floor as well but can't get past the 100+ boxes that would have to be packed and put some where to say nothing of the furniture.....

    On with your painting you are brave....

  9. We installed bamboo flooring because of the renewable factor, and have regretted it ever since. It scratches very easily and simply isn't as durable. YMMV.

  10. Your colour choice for the living/dining room sounds great. I love your garden plants. I have those same bluebells (Campanula) coming up in my garden too.

  11. Wanda, we had that beautiful smoky lavendar color on our walls for about 10 years and absolutely loved it...even DH! I think you'll be very happy with it as it's soothing in addition to being gorgeous!

  12. Another "show" in progress.. (*._,*) (painting your living room) Love the color selection.

    Enjoyed the trip through your gardens. Even your sun burnt hosta. I agree, a little water will take care of them.


  13. Bamboo flooring sounds so nice. Is it rather cushioned flooring? A smoky lavender colour for the walls sounds wonderful!

  14. Like your ideas for the living room . . . we got rid of our carpeting and installed hardwood or ceramic and we LOVE how much easier it is to take care of.

    Just be careful as you work!

  15. Beautiful flowers. Man or man! It's hot and humid here in NC now.
    Sounds like a good paint color.

  16. The new decor will look stunning and the addition of the quilts will make that room a showcase.

    Our flowers are suffering here from lack of heat for us. We should mix them together and get the perfect condition!!!!

  17. Nice page! I love the flowers and plants.

  18. Love, love the mug rugs!
    Would you tell us a little more about how you bind them? I am thinking it is done on the machine - but how. The bindings look very neat!

    Love the colors and you get this tiny quilt with a big impact!


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