
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Let the mindless sewing begin.......

I have had this quilt in mind for a long time.  Actually it will be 2 quilts.  It is easier to chain piece onto a second one than to take it off the machine after each strip.  I will continue adding rounds until it is a lap size quilt.  I might add a wonky triangle border to one before I add the last few rounds.  I am using my cutaway strips so they are crooked, sometimes with a curve on them so it will take some heavy duty pressing to tame them before quilting.


  1. Looks great so far! Looking forward to its progression.

  2. The sewing may be mindless, but I like the result!

  3. ooh ooh....looking good! I love that kind of mindless sewing.

  4. You have the best cutaway scraps!
    Happy stitching!

  5. Oh how I would love to dabble in your scrap box and do some of that sort of midless sewing...
    Just Wandaful......

  6. I'm loving them already! When I do cutaway strips I've started making the cut at least 1-1/2" or wider if I have enough fabric. Gotta love those strings!

    I think these would also look great as 4 giant blocks, gotta love it either way!

  7. Very attractive so far. I think it is a great idea.

  8. I want to do some placemats like that with my hand dyed scraps. Maybe I can get that on my list soon!

  9. Looking good!

    Lovely to see you back at the sewing machine!

  10. Mindless? Those blocks are beautiful. Glad you're back to sewing some strips.

  11. So pretty for "mindless sewing".


  12. Love how your scraps come together. Looks like you are having fun!

  13. I enjoy watching your mindless sewing, Wanda. All so beautiful!

  14. Now that looks like the Wanda we know and love! Just beautiful.

  15. Here you go playing again--and we get to enjoy watching you have fun.
    What will you do when a side is longer than a WOF strip? seam a couple matching ones together? use any two? or stop at that point? Just wondering.

  16. Oh, what fun it's going to be watching these quilts come into being!


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