
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Found blocks, more rounds on wonkies.........

I was cleaning up one area in the basement and I found a bag with diamond shaped crazy pieced blocks.  When I was making this quilt I tried adding blue into it and rejected it and stayed with all green.  The blocks have been in that bag for 5 years.  How time flies!
I have added 2 more rounds to Wonky 1.  It is about 38" x 46".
I have added 4 more rounds to Wonky 3.  It is still small, about 28" x 32".
We finally got some rain last night. The heaviest storms were about 25 miles south of us.  It rained nice and gentle for over an hour.  Maybe we will have green grass again.


  1. What is it with these carrier bags, polybags and ziplocks, that they hide themselves away so effectively! And not just hidden physically, hidden (or forgotten) mentally too! When tidying up we all find them, but they're not always full of such gorgeousness!

  2. I am forever mixing styles. I would probably take the blue block, add pieces to square it up, and then make another wonky with it.

  3. that first set you show sure is interesting! love the colors.

  4. So, Wanda, were you thinking maybe of giving away the diamonds? :):) I went back to the piece that you made with the green ones (it was before I knew your blog) and it IS beautiful. Good decision to stay with the greens.

  5. The green one is gorgeous and I am sure it would have still been so with the blue, but I like the idea of the Ordinary Time. Have you done any of the others too - Lent, Advent?

    Your new necklace is so pretty.

  6. Love that first block. It really caught my eye. I like your wonkys too. It's been fun watching them "grow."

  7. Beautiful finds! We also got rain last night...we are in west central Illinois. Wow did the rain and wind get strong!

  8. What a lost treasure you found - it reminds me of a jewel. Batiks really are special.

  9. I would love to make something Wonky I or Wonky II someday. Love them both.

  10. On my screen your blue is like a fine cut diamond ! So many cut 'facets' and pretty.

    Your "wonky" pieces are just plain fun.


  11. The "Wonkies" are looking good, and what a nice surprise to find tucked away waiting for you.

  12. Awesome blue blocks! Wonky lap quilts, too. It's so much fun watching your projects come together. Inspiring.

  13. Hi Wanda,
    Love the blue sparkly diamonds. Maybe a simple table topper for those?

    You are inspiring me to just start sewing some wonky strips for placemats! Looks like any color goes as long as it contrasts with the previous round.

    We got some rain and a very strong 15-minute gust of wind yesterday afternoon, which sent a neighbors tree into our yard, wiping out a section of fence! We weren't sure if we should go to the basement during that event (seemed tornado-ish without the swirling).
    Vicky F


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