
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Binding, mug rugs..........

I chose an older smoky purple print for the binding on this Prismatic Garden quilt.  I am so happy I have the fabrics from many years ago.  Some colors just aren't available all the time in the stores.  This fabric is more than 12 years old.  I have the hand sewing done on 3 sides and have the label sewn on.  I hope to finish it today.
I made 3 mug rugs, quilt as you go out of African fabrics, the scraps from when I was cutting the colorwash kits.
I had quilted these 2 a couple weeks ago but was stumped on binding choices until yesterday.  I think these are the weirdest color combinations that I have done.


  1. Love them all and your binding choice too!

  2. It's all looking so fabulous--you must be happy!! Lovely work! :-)

  3. I love your "weird" color combinations - especially the one with the blue outer border.

  4. Not weird, eye catching to me. Funny how the older prints work well with the newer prints. Chris

  5. Wow, you are productive! I love the Africain print mug rugs. All your color choices are great!

  6. those color combos seem weird, but they're magical: they draw you in to look more closely at the scrumptious fabrics themselves.

  7. Not weird, but unexpected and wonderful. You haven't lost the exuberant touch!

  8. It all looks fabulous. Best wishes for a successful show!

  9. The African prints are my favorite...and I see nothing weird anywhere..great job.

  10. Won't it be interesting to see which mug rugs are the most popular/best sellers? Someone might love the ones you call weird - good luck!

  11. You've been busy...I Love all this blending of colors! Wonderful to see.

  12. All so delightful. Love the African mug rugs and great binding choices.

  13. Your choices of fabric combinations are wonderful!
    Love all the different mug rugs you're making. People are going to be so challenged to pick a favourite to buy!

  14. Wanda, I love the African mugrugs. I have to borrow this idea and make some my self. Thanks so much and Blessings to you,Cleta

  15. How you get it all done every day makes me just smile. Always such a treat to see those fun mug rugs. I keep thinking I should make some. But I am hoping that you will have a few to sell on Wandaful Quilts when you return from N.C.

    Looks like we are in for a busy summer. Guests arriving today. And in June, July and August. All spread out enough that I won't have to hire a maid.


  16. Very nice binding color choice. I would not have thought to use a smoky purple. It works so nicely. Love the mug rugs, too.
    Vicki emailed me my class confirmation. See you in Charlotte :D

  17. How many mug rugs completed? Before you know it you will be leaving for your trip. I like your binding choice. Enjoy the evening?!!!

  18. Your Prismatic Garden 13 is beautiful with all the different colors in the strips.

  19. Oh bless you for revealing that there is a Reason behind buying fabric for the stash, and letting it age there! My stash is not that old but already I have been in the middle of a project and realized I had just the right fabric sitting quietly, patiently in my stash, no idea at the time I bought it what it was for, I Just Liked It!


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