
Thursday, April 5, 2012

A little quilting

It was one of those days yesterday; I can't really remember much that I did.  I know I did a load of laundry and worked on kits for an upcoming class but there are a lot of hours unaccounted for .  Last night I watched 2 hours of TV and quilted the 5 mug rugs that I showed yesterday.  I used a cream color thread and was unhappy with them.  Then I remembered my tin of fine point markers in 24 colors and I doctored the thread in the dark areas and now I'm happy.  Today I find some binding while my boiler is being installed.


  1. I think it was the day. I was the same way too. Looks like your sewing was productive. Hope you have a better day. chris

  2. Sometimes we have those days. But it seems like you were pretty productive. Good luck with the boiler. Will they be able to take the plate off for you?

  3. Ha ha... I love that - I have gone back and "painted" the threads with permanent markers to match too on projects. (but not yet on a quilt - I am adding that to my bag of tricks!)

  4. Yes, it was the day. I know I was in the studio all day, but don't see anything done. Is it spring fever?

  5. Funny, I was just wondering where my yesterday went. All I know is that the only quilting I managed to sneak in was sewing four 6 1/2 inch blocks together. Thanks for sharing the trick of the trade about the colored markers. Did you use Pigma pens?

  6. Good tip on the use of markers for those darn threads. Thank you!

  7. ahh! fine-point markers! what a great idea!

  8. I am a visual person first... and saw that cute lil bunny in the top mug rug. Sure made me smile.

    Never apologize for not remembering all that you did on a given day. What you did remember was full of work. You always out work so many of us.


  9. What gorgeous colours!! I so wish I could do patchwork. I just have to enjoy the work of others and sometimes try to buy it!! Thanks, also, for your comments on my first blog. I didn't knoww anything about enabling emails but I'm learning and have done it now. I'll add myself to your followers so that I can find you again! I'm not always sure how I've got where I am!! Joan


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