
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A little possessed, and yard work....

When I brought the trays of 2" squares upstairs I brought the 1.5" trays too.  Once I get started in colorwash I don't want to stop.  Yes I'm possessed.  I made a third one with the 2" squares.  All 3 on the bottom row are the same size as the one in the middle.  I'm just not tall enough to get them all in one shot.  First I made the checkerboard piece from the 1.5" squares that aren't as desirable for colorwash.  Then I did the other colorwash.  These will all be mug rugs but the top 2 will be more expensive because of the extra time it takes to sew all of the pieces.
My plumbing and heating guy said my new boiler would be put in this week but he didn't say which day.  He finally called while I was out digging up hostas to say it will be Thursday.  I needed to dig the hostas because they would have been in total sun now with the trees gone.  I divided them into as many plants as I could and potted them.  I have someone who is moving to a new house that might want them.  I watered them and they perked up after I took this photo.
Now for the daily cacti shot: 2 white blooms fully opened with one to go and a red one in the background.
I was surprised how tall the violets had gotten in just a few days so I picked a little bouquet for my kitchen window sill.


  1. As always your plants look lovely. If I lived close I would take some of those hostas.

  2. Love the mug rugs! Great passion and way to use squares. I feel like everything is coming up and blooming so early --too soon---will summer have anything left.

  3. I love the mug rugs! Apparently I don't think small enough...I would have never thought of making a watercolor quilt that small! I know you have told me in the past that all designs can be scaled down...I just need for it to sink in! LOL

    I hope today's installation goes well!

  4. Not possed at all. Passionate instead. Looks like it was fun to do. Chris

  5. how did you decide that certain squares weren't suitable for color wash? did they just not happen to fit into the other squares you'd chosen, or is there something intrinsic about them that made you reject them? love your mug rugs, and your christmas cacti too!

  6. What a great use for the small scraps!

    I love the little pot of violets. Spring is definitely here.

    I imagine the whole yard looks different this year without the trees.

  7. You are the expert with "Color Wash" ! So very pretty. I love those lil mug rugs.

    OH, oh, oh those violets. How I love them. I bought some last year. Yes bought some and they haven't even come back yet; I have LOTS of pink purple violets blooming in full force, but not the good ole Illinois violets.


  8. Your colorwash pieces are beautiful and the cacti , can you believe it? they must be in the perfect spot. One of my favorites. The violets remind me of my childhood.

  9. You are obsessed but fun to watch!

  10. You're not obsessed, you're just having fun. And isn't it good that we don't all have fun the same way? What a boring world that would be!

    Your flowers are gorgeous. I'm really liking that white Christmas (Easter?) cactus.

  11. Everything is beautiful. I just heard a few minutes ago that there will be a frost. I hope they ae wrong. I was out and about yesterday and the flowering trees look wonderful. When I lived in Florida I always liked Orange blossom time. The whole neighborhood would smell wonderful.


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