
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Finished quilting, chose binding......

I finished quilting the colorwash on the bottom in this photo yesterday.  I chose binding for both of them, the top one for the batik colorwash and the bottom one for the regular fabric colorwash.  I was just plain tired though so I didn't get either of them cut.  I sewed more rows on my current batik colorwash, up to row 12 of 20.
I worked hard to get this flower bed filled in.  I finally just resorted to lots of different hostas, sedum and cranesbill.  The bush in the upper right is a hydrangea.  It struggled for 3 years before it took off and started to grow.  There are some lilies, evening primrose and purple coneflowers in this bed too.  It is a real mix and is right outside my dining room picture window so I get to enjoy it close up all the time.


  1. The flower bed looks lovely. Personally, I am a lover of hostas - there are so many types and colors available now that can provide beautiful foliage in a bed. You must be nearly ready for your June show. Hope we'll get a sneak preview of all your beautiful work!

  2. The Colorwash is beautiful. And I hope to do just what you did with one of our shady garden spots--it looks beautiful, too!

  3. The colorwash quilt is beautiful. What thread did you use to quilt it? I'm always in a quandry when working on a quilt with lots of different colors and values.

  4. The piecing for your colorwash project is exquisite. I love how your shady hosta garden is filling in so nicely. Plus there will be a beautiful accent when the hydrangea starts blooming.

  5. Have you ever gone to your stash and not find the perfect binding ? You must have the biggest stash of fabric in the state of IL ! ☺

    I enjoy looking at your gardens, they are so similar to your quilts. Today's photo of the lush colors of green, are so 'refreshingly' pretty.


  6. That's the best enjoy it from where you can see it ....not trying to make it good for everyone else.... Joan

  7. Your quilting looks so good on those pieces, and I like the fabric you've chosen for bindings.

    Having pretty growing things right outside a window where they can be enjoyed is one of my favorite things!

  8. Your bindings for the colorwash quilts are great. Beautiful plants in your flower bed. When the flowers bloom you will have great colors, outside and in!

  9. HI Wanda,
    Very gorgeous colorwash quilts! Love the binding choices.

    My hostas and shade-loving plants are a bit slow-pokey in their growth, too, but that means I don't have to rearrange them for a while.

    Looks like you're getting some rain? We're due for rain most days next week (plus warmer temps).
    Vicky F


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