
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Crooked Cobblestones 10

I needed to find a binding for this cobblestone quilt and I decided to go a little darker than I had on previous ones.  I'm hoping by doing a variety of binding colors/values that I will be able to determine what really worked best with all of the multicolor.  I still have #6 to quilt and then the whole series will be done and ready to travel to NC.  This one is 12" x 18" so it is the smallest of them all.
It is time to start sewing the colorwash that I made this week.  I start by sewing vertical rows 1 and 2 together.  Batiks are easy to fingernail press so before I add row 3 on, I press the seams on the odd rows to the left and even rows to the right, about 3-4 rows at a time.
I am using my new clear plastic 1/4" foot and sewing slow so I can keep every seam straight.
I brought several more rows to the machine so I can sew for quite awhile before having to collect the rest of the rows.  I will continue to add one vertical row at a time, pressing seams with my fingernail as I go.  I will not have to use an iron before sewing the cross rows.  Fingernail pressing is sufficient on batiks.
My one lonely columbine plant with blue flowers is in full bloom now.  They re-seed themselves but the new plants are always near a rock or a sidewalk.  I guess that is because the seeds are more protected there.  I will be watching to see if I can find some new plants this year.
I have only seen one plant with the pale pink flowers too.  My medium pink plant didn't come up last year so all the rest of mine are a deep rose, seeds that I got from my sister-in-law.  I have about 6 of those growing in various places, one in the crack of the sidewalk.


  1. If I think about it when they quit blooming I will send you some seeds for the blue one. I got a start from a friend and it has sent out plenty of plants. Chris

  2. You are so organized. A quilter and a green thumb...

  3. Love the dark binding on this last one. It makes me think of the phrase...the sun also rises.

  4. I use binder clips for paper piecing. It really helps in keeping everything ultra organized! Glad your new foot is working out!

  5. The dark border looks very nice. I like how it pulled this piece together.
    Thank you for explaining how you piece your colorwash :D

  6. Thanks for sharing your process on keeping the project in order as you work. The cobblestone quilt is beautiful. You're getting closer and closer to being ready for the show!

  7. Love your Cobblestone series, Wanda, and so enjoy your blog. It is nice to have something pretty to look at each day and I've learned so much from it.
    I've been wondering if the columbine were blooming. At my dentist office the other day I noticed that the bleeding hearts are up and bushy, but no flower stems yet. I miss having a garden so enjoy seeing yours. Jevne

  8. Always have been a big fan of your cobblestone series. Thanks so much for including pictures and descriptions of your working process. It makes the idea of creating my own one day more approachable. Happy Quilting

  9. I love this quilt. I need to do more wonky. Love the look of it.

  10. Friday's 'Froggy' quilt top is so charming and will be perfect for a baby.

    I will be surprised if you come home with any mug rugs, or Cobblestone quilts, every one is so uniquely different.

    Always love to see your blooming flowers.


  11. HI Wanda,
    Great idea using the binder clips to keep your rows in order! Once you figure out the layout you sure won't want to goof it up.

    My columbines are blooming, too, and look a little subdued compared to years past. It seems like they lose their steam after a while.

    Vicky F

  12. I still love the crooked cobblestones! It will be another couple of months before we see columbine here. I only have the one pale pink color. I love yor blue/ purple one!

  13. I love your organizational tips, and the binding really looks good.

  14. I like the darker binding. My columbine is growing like crazy, but we are way behind everyone else, so no blooms yet. I love this plant, had some in OR and got some from my neighbor last year. I just got my pots and hanging basket planted today at the local nursery open house. Still haven't done much in my flower beds yet. We are still having cold nights.

  15. I can't believe I don't get it! So how do you keep track of the order the squares are in when you sew one column or row at a time? I would likely rotate a bunch of them. I see that you sew pairs together first, but how do you keep them in order after that. Do you have to pay attention real close?

  16. Yes, the darker binding contributes to the magic. It is like walking a path with a lantern. Love the columbine pictures, too.

  17. I like the dark binding. It seems to bring out all the color in the center. The Columbines are looking good. We are in for a few warm days but stormy on Thursday and they are saying may be severe. I hope the severe never happens but the warm weather for a few days is welcome. I need to start working in my yard so I can plant my seeds.


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