
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Still pink.......

Even though we had some rain, it didn't knock off any petals on the Redbud trees.  This is one of the small trees along my driveway, at eye level.
This is what the older trees look like.  They are rather fragile and lose a lot of branches over the winter and in summer storms.  I have 7 trees across my backyard, mostly older trees and one about 10 years old.  They have all planted themselves.  On the left are my forsythia bush in the foreground and lilac bushes farther down.  That is my neighbor's forsythia still in bloom way down the line.  The garden is pretty bare right now but there are lots of hostas coming up, peonies, brunnera, lungwart and the usual weeds that survive no matter what.
Yesterday was errand day, laundry day, the usual stuff.  I did quilt some mug rugs but haven't put on the binding yet so I'll show them later.


  1. What a lovely shade of pink. Love it.... Yay for spring.

  2. Your trees are so pretty. We had a red bud tree when I was growing up. Perhaps it is our Texas climate, or maybe it just wasn't in an ideal spot, but it never seemed to hold its blooms as long as your trees.

  3. this year your yard will look so different to you as you see what happens with a sunny yard - you might be wanting to plant more! Love the redbuds, my oldest has died this year, it was a good way from the house though so I don't mind, I have 2 that grew by themselves to replace it so that is good.

  4. Thanks for posting pics of the redbuds. Mine finished long ago, so I like that I can still enjoy yours.

  5. Gorgeous trees when they are in bloom. I just heard that one of the winning lottery tickets was purchased in Redbud, IL so I assume the town is named after the trees?????

  6. We live so close and yet the redbuds are barely hardy here. Darn. I guess I am lucky in other ways. Thanks for showing them.

  7. That first photo of your Redbud is gorgeous Wanda! I can just imagine the fragrance.

  8. CROSS COBBLESTONE is so pretty and timely with Easter next week.

    Every photo of your Redbuds takes my breath away.


  9. Redbuds are one of my very favorite trees. Their vibrant pinks fill out that usually empty middle layer of most woodlands and landscapes.
    Our library has one in its courtyard, so I had my first chance to watch it change with the seasons. The wonderful shape of its leaves surprised me. When fall comes, the leaves turn such a wondrous combo of dark wine and deep green/brown.
    I'm also enamored with your quilt projects! The cross is amazing. Would I be just weird if I wonder whether some version of the stripes in that great rug in your studio might be interesting as a border? Yeah, probably am. But what a blast of cultural or spiritual symmetry might it express? Anyway, that's just me musing about an interesting idea.
    LOVE your blog and will be happily following along. Thanks for posting!

  10. The quilts are lovely but the trees are gorgeous


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