
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pink row.......

The back yard is pink!  I took this photo the day before so it is even more pink than this.  It is just unbelievable that the Redbuds have bloomed so early.  I can remember  in previous years going to the quilt show in Paducah the third week of April and our trees hadn't fully bloomed yet.  Everything will be different in the back yard this year too with all of the trees cut down that made dense shade.  Now I will be able to plant some sun loving flowers back there.
The only sewing I did yesterday was to hem 2 pairs of slacks.  The rest of the day I continued to put away my clutter in the basement.  Today I will bake cookies and clean off one final table down there.


  1. I didn't sew yeterday either. We mowed yards and then had van troubles. So fix the van today.Hopefully today I can get some sewing done being up so early. Chris

  2. Ha ha.. I saw the post title "Pink Row" and wondered if you were doing something less bright.

    I need to teach myself to use the hem stitch to hem pants when the hem comes out. (I could also buy pants that are too long and adjust the length if I needed to.)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have a tree right outside my window that usually leafs out in JUNE....I just wonder how the rest of the season will hold up now.

    And if all these early, early leaves will stay til their usual fall time.

  5. June is busting out all, too. And, did you have to mention hemming? I have 4 pair of slacks that need hemming and have been avoiding them for a while now. OK, that will be first on the sewing to do list today.

  6. It will be so exciting to see what the yard will look like without the trees. The "pink" is gorgeous.

  7. Nice warm temps for so long, your gift is the Redbuds and all the wonderful spring blossoms you have shown us.

    Well we are trying to catch up with your early spring. It hit 60 degrees yesterday ... perfect weather to do some clean up in the yard. Lots of new growth but only the crocus blooming.


  8. I can't get over how much is growing already. The daffodils on the roof garden are about to bloom and it seems like at least a month ahead of schedule. The "pink" is absolutely beautiful!

  9. A little break is a good thing. We lost our redbud in Hurricane Ike, but another one sprung up from seed dropped and it bloomed a little this year for the first time. I was glad to see it, I have missed those bright banners of Spring.

  10. One of the things I miss most about not living in Virginia any more is the Red Buds. I loved seeing them in the woods on long drives in the countryside. Yours are quite beautiful. How lucky to have them in your own yard.


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