
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another 80 degree day......

I should have taken my camera outside with me since that is where I spent a lot of time yesterday.  I dug out lavender Rose of Sharon volunteers from one flower bed, raked another, pulled lots of Periwinkle Vinca vine (and there is still way too much there), and dug some offending plants out of the front flower bed.  All of that fresh air and heat did me in.  I did get this one quilt basted in an hour while watching TV at night.  For new readers who wonder about my basting method check here and here.
This is what I wanted to sew on but I was just too tired.  I took a close up shot here so you can see some of the black and white prints better. 


  1. I agree the hand basting is the best. I really think I need to get myself going and get some done. Haven't sewn a stitch all week or weekend. Chris

  2. Hot here too, but loving every minute! Between you and LeeAnn, I just need to make me a spiderweb quilt! Both of yours are so different, but equally fabulous. She really went to town and her finished top is absolutely gorgeous!! It makes me really anticipate what your top will look like.

  3. It was 82 degrees when I left work at 4:15 p.m. Since we don't have A/C at work yet it was at least 90 inside. Let's just say by afternoon the productivity level was very low! Just like you working in the yard, the heat just takes the life out of you!

  4. It was 82 degrees when I left work at 4:15 p.m. Since we don't have A/C at work yet it was at least 90 inside. Let's just say by afternoon the productivity level was very low! Just like you working in the yard, the heat just takes the life out of you!

  5. I agree thread basting is the only way to go!

    80's for us today! Planning a family picnic tonight to celebrate our 29th anniversary. That's a first...we usually have snow on the ground for our anniversary!

  6. I never got to my studio yesterday. either. It wasn't 80 degrees per se, but I got so hot, red, and tired working in the sun that I started a new book, instead, last evening.

    The first day of Spring! What is ahead of us?

  7. I keep resisting the urge to create a kaleidio project . . . and then I see updated photos of your's . . . and mine goes back on the wish list. Time will tell!

    Hot here, too - with LOADS of pollen and tree fuzzies in the air, on the ground, covering our cars, and making our eyes itch.

  8. Love the Kaleidoscope quilt!!!! What wonderful weather you guys are having! Enjoy it.

  9. Pretty photo's of your ongoing work.

    Wish I could send some of our spring snowy days to all that are feeling the heat. Spring snows are wonderful but would enjoy some warmth.


  10. christijowinter933@yahoo.comMarch 21, 2012 at 11:34 AM

    Hi, Wanda,

    I went back and read your two posts about basting. I always have the best luck with thread basting using a running stitch, but may try the padding stitch next time. I agree that straight pins and safety pins are a whole lot of work and don't do the job as well.

    I was wondering: have you ever tried the basting spray? I have a cab but have been too afraid to use it, wondering if it would leave any kind of residue, gum up the needle while quilting, or if it would even be strong enough.

  11. I cant wait tell I get some 80 degree days here looking forward to sun and fun.


  12. Everything is looking good, Wanda. You're a better man than me. LOL I so need to be outside working in the yard, and I'm playing around in here.

  13. We had another warm day too. I'm loving it!
    I'm so glad you showed your basting technique. I have a floor frame and can use it for basting and will be using your stitch the next time I have one ready to baste.

    What a fabulous collection of black and white prints in that. Can't wait to see that one done.


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