
Monday, February 27, 2012

The one that didn't make the cut........

This is the first table runner top that I made.  I decided it was too busy with the strip piecing and that it wouldn't make a good gift.  Then I made the one I showed yesterday.  I will finish this one for myself because it's not too busy for me.  I think the bride liked my gift to her yesterday.  I gave her a box of Color Catcher sheets too because I wish I had something like that when I was first married and just learning to do laundry.
I had a couple other things I needed to do first though.  Today is church sewing circle so I had to cut 10 receiving blankets and sew the neckbands on 23 little gowns.  We make 4 sizes for the preemies and provide a full layette of gown, knitted hat and afghan, receiving blanket and satin heart. It is hard to find places that sell preemie clothes so we are happy to help.  Our leader told as the last meeting that there is a request we do this for full term babies now.  We asked why (since clothing is easily available for purchase in that size) and she said because parents are showing up with no clothes for their baby to go home in.  Now when I had my kids I had the impression babies came with no clothes and I had to provide them.  Now I guess some people think the babies are born with their first clothing.  Am I out of touch?  Do hospitals provide complete handmade layettes for every baby born there?

I rarely watch the whole Academy Award show because I haven't seen any or maybe only one of the films.  I really don't even know a lot of actors names.  Last night however I had 3 blocks left to quilt on this quilt and I knew it would take about 2 hours or more so I watched it and finished the quilting.  Now I have to decide if I'm going to go back and quilt down the center of the widest strips.


  1. I worked in a hospital and delivered clean laundry to the floors. The nursery in the OB department couldn't keep baby linen in the department. So I am sure that the fact they want baby linen is a fact. The cute new linen is taken for their baby book. Not right,but fact. The progress you have made is great. Chris

  2. I love both table runners. Amazing about the baby clothes...some people expect to be cared for in everything!

  3. Since I love busy, I enjoyed the picture of your first table runner and the current quilt you are finishing.
    Our Project Linus leader took some small quilts to one of the hospitals in our state. The staff was very thankful. Said many young girls came to the hospital to give birth with nothing for their babies to wear home. The nurses and staff must scramble around to find clothing, blankets, diapers and items for the new babies to wear and take home.

  4. The preemie clothes are so hard to find, so I'm sure they are appreciated. It's sad to think that outfits for full term babies are also needed...who goes to the hospital to deliver a baby without a going home outfit? Sad.

  5. I can appreciate there are mothers who need help getting started. However, for many, I thought moms-to-be had baby showers to get a headstart on baby clothes and blankets. It sounds like selling "going home" gear for full term babies is a great opportunity for the hospital's gift shop! I think it takes away from the special contribution you are making for preemies if you end up making outfits for all newborns and not just those truly in need.


  6. It blows my mind, too. If a parent can't come up with at least a onsie to bring to the hospital (from the Dollar Tree or a thrift store, or handed down from someone else) what are they going to do once Baby is home?!

    I had a hard time getting my youngest discharged from the NICU because one of the nurses decided his car seat (which we'd bought brand new 15 months earlier for his brother) was too old. How do parents who show up with absolutely nothing get away with it?

    Until the group disbanded, I was making baby quilts that went into layettes for needy moms. They were distributed by the nurses at their prenatal visits.

    Some days, I just want to make quilts for all of the mommies who are doing everything right, whether their babies are in the NICU or full term!

  7. A very productive weekend for you. But that is nothing new for you I know.

    "Color Catchers" is a wonderful idea to give to a new bride or for a gift for any young gal, that does not know about them.

    OMG... I can not believe this generation that assumes the hospital is to provide a layette for their baby ! New one on me, too. I agree with you.

    I watched the Academy Awards from the Red Carpet to the very end. I just sat there and ate popcorn and apples. (*._,*) Did not get one thing done. I think I want to see the silent film. I can't even remember the name of it but I like musicals.


  8. The runner is not too busy for either; I love it.
    There is no end to what you can sew!
    I went to bed part way through the Oscars, but I did watch the Cirque de soleil which was wonderful.
    It was fun to see some of the gowns too.

  9. :) I love what you said about babies coming with no clothes. It made me laugh right out loud. I do think a lot of people feel they are 'entitled' to just about everything. Thanks for giving me a smile today. :)

  10. I have no idea what is up with that idea. It seems that most people out there now want someone else to take responsibility for them.

    I love seeing that quilt at the end - it is just so full of color and pattern and so happy looking. Oddly enough, I think it's the black fabrics that really make the others shine.

  11. the quilt looks just so darn happy! i love all the color. it makes me smile!

  12. I like your busy table runner, too.

    I think there are many young mothers really do not have a clue what to do about something to cover their babies with when they leave the hospital. I know that baby seats are required before you can take your infant home. That is quite a cost if you must purchase one yourself. If you are a young, single mother it might be a financial hardship for her to do it all. Nowdays there are many more needy moms out there than in years past.

    But then, there is also the idea that Sue mentioned about these items ending up for sale in the hospital's gift shop.

    I think your group is doing a great job making items for the preemies. They are so cute!

  13. I love that table runner -- don't think it's too busy at all!

    Like Sue, I laughed out loud about the babies coming with no clothes line. Priceless. Makes me wonder how on earth those parents cope the first few months!

  14. Love your table runner! In my time we packed a new outfit for the baby in our 'hospital' suitcase. At our baby hospital they have taken to giving you a hat, a snippet of cloth for the baby book and the bracelet. You would think that in the birthing class they would cover what you will need in the hospital. I know I probably sound like an old curmudgeon but honestly...

  15. No, Wanda, you are not out of touch. I don't know why the trend is for folks of normal sized babies not to bring clothes, but I would guess that it is either poor planning, or a sense of entitlement.

  16. When I had my baby, I didn't bring any clothes to the hospital for her in my bag. Now, of course, I feel like a fool. How could I have missed that? At the time though, it was an unintentional oversight. I had clothes at home for the baby. I knew the baby would need clothes. How didn't I pack them? I have no idea. I'm not dumb, really!
    Thankfully, a friend visited me in the hospital with a gift of clothing, or my husband would have gone home to get something. I would never expect the hospital to provide them for me! Even if I am embarassingly forgetful.
    I think you do beautiful work. I love that table runner too!


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