
Friday, February 17, 2012

Not a stitch was made..........

I am a second shift person now.  I used to be a morning person and got right into projects.  Now I spend the morning reading blogs, reading the newspaper and my mail, picking up and putting away (all the stuff on the table and counter tops) and running errands.  I rarely start sewing before 1 p.m. and many days not until after 4.  Yesterday I knew I had a 1 p.m embroidery club meeting to go to, then visit Dad and at 7 a computer club meeting.  When I got home I watched "The Mentalist" and read magazines.  I should be ready to work on some projects today and it will all look fresh and exciting.

I turned off the word verification on my blog for comments.  The 2 word new version is ridiculously hard to figure out.  If I end up with spamm*ers I may have to go to moderated comments.


  1. Sometimes you just have to get other things accomplished first! Yes, the new word verification threw me off just a little.

  2. In the last few months I have also changed my "start time" to later in the day. I like to relax with a few cups of coffee and catch up on some reading first thing in the morning. I am looking forward to seeing your orange quilt - I just love the energy of it!

  3. Yes, I HATE the new two word thing.

    We all need a day off sometimes.

  4. You deserve a day off. Quilting isn't everything there is in life. I turned my word verification off too and immediately got several spam commenbts, so I turned it back on. But I may go to moderated comments also.

  5. I have done a lot of these same things...isn't it interesting how our priorities and time organization changes as we do? Now, I visit my MIL for two hours every morning instead of starting my sewing first thing.

  6. Sounds like you have a very full day so it would have been hard to get any sewing done!

  7. some days I do not take a stitch either although I must admit it has been awhile since I haven't taken a stitch.
    I hate the two word verification, I get it wrong more than I get it right!

  8. I rarely start to sew until after 1pm also. I find in the mornings that I need to wake up which could involve crosswords and tea, then picking up in the house along whit various chores or maybe a walk.
    I will likely have to go try to shut off the word verification too. Is it easy to do?
    I know I've had to do a couple and I couldn't figure them out.

  9. Good for you on the 2-word verification removal.

  10. I am also a second shit person. I try to get off the computer by 11 and then do "stuff" until 1 and then dye or sew. It doesn't always work out that way. The new 2-word verification is a pain!

  11. Isn't that word verification stuff terrible????

  12. I take my comments as they come. I'm a magazine person , I have several subscriptions . I have just gone on to Crazy Quilt Gatherings , love it so much I have ordered back issues

  13. Thank YOU, For me I do not have to type in any word verification !

    I do sympathize with those that have to try and figure out a messy word, like many other web sites require. It is frustrating when you are in a hurry.


    You consoled me with knowing you take time in the morning to get "your engine started". (*._,*) Daily life schedules at our ages begin to change.

  14. Meant to post after your entry about your "Cross quilt" I am making one as well. I love your version---I using 2.5 inch squares because I have a charm pack I would like to use, but I think I want to do it in 3.5 inch squares and frame it as you have. I make only BIG quilts, so using bigger squares would go faster. Your blog always gives me inspiration!!! Thanks!!!

  15. Hi, Wanda!

    I have been reading your blog all along, but couldn't get the wiggly words to recognize my typing for nothin'. I'll get my cheers in before you have to start moderating.

    Funny that you are moving to "second shift". I was there for a while, and have recently started setting my alarm for 6:45 every day -- not just the morning of garbage day. I'm hoping to get stuff done in the morning and then, as a "reward" do one Internet session later in the day. I get sucked in so easily, and I stay sucked in for so long! Time for me to try to get some control over that!

    I am loving the orange quilt.

  16. I think many of us like to get up and check our emails and blogs first thing. I thought I was the only one having trouble with the new word verification.....I have to redo it a lot of times. Thanks for removing it.

  17. I wish I were as organized as you!! I don't seem to have any specific time to do specific things.
    That new word verification is a real pain! I noticed it on another blog and, I have to admit, left without leaving the comment I had planned. I couldn't make out one of the words at all!

  18. Hi, Wanda:

    Your productivity and focus are an inspiration, whatever shift prevails! I love your quilts and use of color. Thank you for what you share, and for the example you set.


  19. I used to be a second shift person, but I've moved on to the late shift now. It's all about when you are more productive, and for me it's night time.

  20. Like you my habits have changed and I do most of my sewing/crafts in the afternoon instead of the morning like I used to. Now I clean the kitchen and sit on the computer for far too many hours reading blogs and playing games. But it is nice not having a real schedule anymore so I can do what I want to when I want too. Today was another Joann Fabrics day to pick up backing for my chair covers. Now I can finish them.

  21. Sometimes you just need a change of pace, even from the things we love.... I keep telling this to my hubby. He's finally figured out that I need some space, and he's taken up soaking in the hot tub at his health club. I get some quiet time!

  22. I tend to spend morning time also reading a devotional, mail, facebook posts, and blogs. For this reason I have unfollowed several blogs so that I have more time for the quality ones and sewing. And, see, you are still around. ;-) And I also turned off the word verification...same problem.

  23. The new word verification is certainly a pain to read - I am making less comments for obvious reasons!


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