
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just one more block.......

I made 4 more 16 patches and 3 more tiny 16 patches and cut one more square of the large print. I could take the easy way out right now and add one more square of the large print.  But then I could make some more tiny 16 patches like I originally planned.  It is an odd size, 40" x 64" right now.  I might add borders to make it a little larger.  I'm ready to move on now that I know what it looks like.  You know, the attention span of a 4 year old.....
I finished sewing the sample for my crosses class.  I added 4 more rows on after class to make it square, 18" square.  It will make a nice table mat.  It might be fun to add a lot of straight line quilting to this one too.


  1. "I'm ready to move on now that I know what it looks like. You know, the attention span of a 4 year old....."

    This describes me to a "T" only I don't "have" to do the cutting & sewing to get there!

  2. You make me laugh. They both look great. chris

  3. Love them both! I think we all, at times, have the attention span of a 4 year old.

  4. Okay you're cracking me up here with the attention span commentary. :) I like that straight line quilting by the way.

  5. "attention span of a 4 yr old"... I think it's common among us quilters. Evidence: I'm not the only one with a closet full of UFO's! Your work continues to inspire me.

  6. I think a solid block would be just fine. I'm the same way. Once I know what the quilt will look like, it takes sheer determination to finish it. Lovely crosses!

  7. I am just about to start a cross quilt, but it is being made from a collection of charm squares my daughter gave me.

  8. Which is why I have Nancy's ADQD button in my sidebar -- Attention Deficit Quilting Disorder -- I absolutely understand!!

  9. p.s. I agree with The Calico Cat -- the new word verification (word with the ink blob) IS hard -- took me three tries to get it right... and I'm wearing my new computer glasses.

  10. "Orange juice" ~ What ever you decide to put in the empty space will be perfect I know. Keeps me checking in just to see what you decide.

    I agree some straight line stitching on your cross piece will give it a good tailored look for a table mat.


    p.s. I do not have an 'ink blob' or a scrambled word to type in today ... must be a new format ? ? ? to leave a message ?

  11. I think it's just that we expend all our concentration getting it to the point where we can see it. It's all downhill after that. Sometimes. Unless I mess up. Which I do on an annoyingly frequent basis.

    All that aside, both pieces are really pretty. I made a burnt orange last year that turned out pleasing me a lot more than I thought it would and you know I really like your crosses.

  12. I'm loving your "juicy" orange quilt! I used to hate orange, but it's winning me over the last year or so.

    Oh yeah, I've got that Quilter's ADD too. I agree with your statement about the attention span! Again, the bins and bins full of UFO's. *sigh*

    Your crosses are great too. I'm always a fan of blues and greens.

  13. What a fabulously cheerful happy quilt! Makes me want to go buy some orange fabric!

  14. My attention span is like yours. LOL That is why I always have a bunch of half finished stuff for awhile. I just get bored with doing the same thing. Eventually they all get finished. BTW I love the quilt. It's gonna be a nice day today!!!

  15. Your orange quilt is so neat and right in style with the new colors! I still want to make one of your cross quilts, maybe a small one like this would be fun!

  16. LOVE your colors picks!
    Inspired to mix it up


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