
Thursday, February 2, 2012

After a finish.......

I always have trouble getting started on anything else after I have finished a project.  Maybe that's why I don't finish so many of them.  It's like the day after a party, the house is clean and I can't figure out what to do the next day.  What I'm saying is that I really didn't do much yesterday, some errands, some paperwork, some calculations on a pattern and a lot of wandering around.  I could have worked on the binding on Crooked Cobblestones 1 which I didn't get done for my January finishes, but then I have 28 more days this month to do it for a February finish so it wasn't calling my name either.
The photo is my fabrics all paired a few days ago for my Stack and Slash quilt that I need to get started on.  Maybe today........


  1. Your quilts are fabulous. I enjoy coming to your blog most everyday and seeing what you are creating.

  2. and after a quilt .....another quilt. Fantastic. ciao ciao linda

  3. Some days are like that. I have had several. The pieces look interesting. Anxiuos to see the quilt blocks. Chris

  4. I feel the same way at the moment. I am struggling to get my new Kaffe Fassett New Orleans star quilt started. I just can't narrow down the fabrics. Maybe I have too much choice... I need inspiration!

  5. I am the same way. You get so involved in a project there is a letdown when you are finished. I never thought about that being why I keep several things going at the same time. It is like the day after your birthday!

  6. I love your quilts and this next one looks like it will be beautiful as well!
    Actually, your quilting accomplishments are amazing and they put me to shame with the little I'm able to do. You are inspiring.

  7. Me too. I think that is why I like to have so many active ufo's going at once. And when the mood hits to start a new one, I readily give in.
    And I have a number of quilts waiting for binding since I don't need them "done".

  8. Ah, that's why I have so many projects on the go at once! There is always something to do and, if I need a lift, a new project to start! LOL

  9. Doesn't matter how much a quilter gets done it just never feels like enough

  10. Lately that is all I do but wander around. LOL It is nice to have a break occassionally.


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