
Saturday, January 28, 2012


I finished the quilting on the large piece yesterday.  You may have seen this on my sidebar as my current favorite.  I had a small repair I needed to do on one block and I laid it aside for months.  The repair took 15 minutes; the roadblock in my brain couldn't see that.  This piece is about 36" x 47" and the small ones which I made 2 days ago are around 20" x 24".  This large one is Crooked Cobblestones 1.  Number 2 is finished and was shown here. I started quilting on number 3 which is the largest last night.  It is shown here when I was spray basting it.  The fourth large one is a cross which had some construction problems.  I fixed that last night too so it is ready to baste and quilt.  You can see from this post that I let it hang on a hanger for almost 3 years before I fixed it.  I guess the promise of a show of my quilts is finally getting me in gear.


  1. Funny how a repair is so much more stressful than making the quilt originally. I suffer from that also.

  2. Fabulous....all of them. You should be getting excited and working hard for your showing. Can't wait!!

  3. I completely understand (!!!) what you describe as your mental roadblock ... congrats for getting over a couple of yours!

    I'm so happy that your work is going to be shown -- for those of us who cannot get there in person, I hope someone takes LOTS of photos and video to share.

  4. I love all of these, the colors are striking and so is the arrangement of the blocks.

  5. These pieces are all beautiful. I love how you arranged the blocks. Send some of that productiveness my way, please!!

  6. Stunning quilts! I alway work better with a deadline too.

  7. There's nothing like a deadline for motivation!

  8. Your cobblestone continue to be one of my ALL TIME favorites, they are just so dreamy and unique. I will make one!

  9. BTW my daffodils are coming up. Does this mean an early Spring? I am sure not an early spring but a cold winter for the daffodils. LOL The warm weather is making things sprout. I hope not too many get damaged.

  10. It's amazing! I'm glad you finally took the time to fix the block. Every time I have a lot of chores to do that I've been putting off I use a timer - I set it for 15 minutes and I only have to work on it for that long. It's surprising how much I can get done in 15 minutes!

  11. I just wish I could be there to see all your beautiful work live and in person! Each is truly a work of art.

  12. you are so very talented--these great quilts seem to pop up with ease! You are a favorite--'break a leg' with your show!!

  13. These are so awesome, I love these crooked cobblestone quilts!

  14. This collection is awesome. Especially when you see them together. I Love Them.

  15. They are all wonderful. Isn't it funny what we put off forever and yet it only takes minutes?

  16. I love your cobblestone quilts Wanda, and the QOV quilts turned out nicely.

  17. funny how our brain can slow us down that way...loving this, Wanda! exquisite!


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