
Sunday, January 1, 2012

H is for happy...........

Happy New  Year!
Happy I got the binding finished in 2011.

I named this one "H- I give it 5 Stars".

My binding choice worked out so well.
I can guarantee you that I want to start something new today.........

Resolutions - no...........just a loosely constructed list of want-to-dos.


  1. Like the stars and binding. Great job. Have fun with the todo list. Chris

  2. happy New Year to you, too :-)

  3. GORGEOUS, Mrs. H.

  4. Happy New Year to you too Wanda!! Perfect finish for a new year! Love the binding and love you resolution philosophy!

  5. Stars! H(ip) H(ip) Hooray!

  6. I love how you added the stars in this one and love it with no border - it didn't need one.
    Happy New Year to you.

  7. Happy New Year to you, Wanda, and may it be healthy, happy and productive!

  8. I like the H's (for Holly) and the stars really add to it. Very pretty!
    I wonder what you will start anew.

  9. Congrats on the finish (it turned out SO well!).

    I agree - no resolutions. Goals and want-to-do's work for me.

  10. Love the way this one turned out. I want to make this for my niece Hannah. She just started college....I think by the time she graduates she will appreciate it....or maybe a Masters. ;)

    Happy New Years to you and I have the same resolutions as you!

  11. Happy New Year!

    I hope 2012 will be a very good year for you and your family.

  12. Happy New Year! Really love this one and didn't know/remember you talking about scattering stars in it. That really pops it!

    I so hope I get to take a crack at my Kaffe stash this year. Your work with his fabrics is always so inspiring! I admit it's not at the top of my list for this year but if the year goes as hoped, I'll get to him before years end.

  13. I love the "H" and stars quilt. It's gorgeous. It would go well in this household too, as we are the "H's". :) Happy New Year!

  14. A great finish for 2011! I love everything about it. Happy New Year.

  15. I'll echo the words of another Vivian (above). I didn't remember the stars in your plan. Such a subtle addition, but it makes a world of difference in this quilt. Another lovely Kaffe creation from your mind and hands.
    Happy New Year to you and yours. I'm looking forward to the inspiration you send our way in 2012.

  16. Love your "H" quilt, Wanda! Also love your thoughts on the new year...

  17. What a great finish and I love the name!

  18. Happy New Year, Wanda ! Beautiful H Quilt ! See you
    next week ! jmhy

  19. Happy New Year, Wanda ! Beautiful H Quilt ! See you
    next week ! jmh

  20. You sure went out with a bang... "H" quilt is lit up like a sky of fireworks ! JUST "Wandaful Exuberant Color"


  21. Beautiful Wanda. Your H quilt has been on my short list for 2012. I'm thinking my nephew, an H last namer who is into family history, would really love this.
    ~Jillian in North Dakota

  22. I love the H quilt! It has many of my favorite fabrics and colors.

    Thanks for being here. I wish you an absolutely wonderful 2012, and look forward to seeing all that make in the coming year. Best wishes, Martie

  23. Happy New Year, Wanda! Beautiful quilt.....would work nicely with my last name.............

  24. Fabulous finish!! What a great way to end one year and start the new one!

  25. I give it five stars, too! It is gorgeous. Great finish for the year.

  26. Yes it is a happy quilt. Congrats on getting it finished before the new year. I am ready to start a new project, too.

  27. christijowinter933@yahoo.comJanuary 1, 2012 at 3:39 PM

    What a glorious quilt to post for the first day of the new year! Such a beautiful way to start it, and I'm sure a preview of all the lovely quilts you will create in the coming year.

    Happy new year to you, Wanda! And best wishes for your Father, too.

    I look forward to a year of inspiration from your blog.

  28. not sure why I did not pick up on the stars before today....but they sure do add a zip to the quilt... not just to the name of the quilt..


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