
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Zig Zag done.......

I decided I needed to finish this top yesterday.  If you have ever worked with corduroy you know it makes little fuzzy goobers all over the place.  Then add denim which likes to ravel and flannel that has a lot of lint, and you have one dirty work area.  This reminds me why I don't work with these fabrics all the time and why I like my quilting cottons so much.
The zig zag is holding the seams nice and flat so I am expecting it to be easier to quilt than the one I did last month.  Now I have switch gears and get some little projects done.


  1. Not only is your work area linty so is the machine. I am amazed at the amount of lint from sewing with these fabrics. I had forgotten because as you say working with the quilting cottons has far less. Chris

  2. I am just about to start quilting my first flannel quilt - I expect my machine will need a good clean when I am done!

  3. That will be a fun quilt for a young boy.....or any male for that matter!

  4. I love how you zigzagged the seams. Great idea. How is your dad?

  5. This looks rugged and warm and wonderul!!

  6. I like how your flannel-jeans-corduroy quilt turned out. I have some jeans I want to use for my sister's grandson but I can't make up my mind what to do with them. I thought about a cathedral window sort of thing that wouldn't need to be quilted. I really want to use these because they belonged to my sister, her grandson just went into his second year of college and I want to do this for him.

  7. The extra time you are taking with the zig-zagging, for easier quilting .... also adds a look of home spun comfort .



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