
Friday, November 4, 2011

Something new.........

My friends and I had a great time yesterday talking and eating and talking some more.  I hadn't seen a couple of them for over a year.  They left around 3:30 so by 6 p.m. I was ready to do something on my clean cutting tables.  I have had these 12 fabrics chosen for a project for about 4 months, all pressed and ready to cut into.
This is the original pattern I had for this project.  I made a small quilt with the original directions a few years ago.  I have used many different measurements for the center square.  I think I used 7" for this tutorial.
It took about 45 minutes to cut all of the pieces for 24 blocks and 2 hours to sew them to this stage of the project. The next step is why I call it Stack and Slash.
I decided to stack 4 blocks  dark/light/dark/light and slice them all at once. I also worked at the corner of a table so I could stand on one side for this first cut and.......
on another side for the second cut.  I am putting the 2.25" mark of the ruler on the seamline of the center square and the outside strip.
After cutting.
Then I shuffled the pieces like we do in so many of the stack and slash quilts.  This gives me 4 blocks with the same 8 fabrics but the position changes for each color.
After I had 2 sets of them cut and sewn I put the resulting 8 blocks on the wall.  There will be a lot more variety as I get the next 4 stacks slashed and sewn.  I would be bored to tears working with just 12 fabrics if this wasn't a fast quilt.  As it is it will probably be done tomorrow.
As for my friends' opinion on the quilt yesterday, they liked the 9 patch border too so I may add it to that quilt.


  1. Great progress. I like the look.It seams like it will go fast. Chris

  2. The speed with which you work amazes me! Even though it's only the 12 fabrics it does look fun.

  3. This would have taken me two weeks and it wouldn't have looked nearly as good! I love this new project. The fabrics are beautiful!

  4. Very interesting. I Like the concept a lot!

  5. Oh yes, I have have that pattern as well and think it is definitely a great stash buster. I love the fabrics that you have for it. Fabulous!

  6. Nice fabrics! That is one quick quilt!
    Isn't ON Demand great?

  7. That is going to be a beautiful quilt and just in time for Christmas.

  8. Such a beautiful quilt for Christmas. Are you willing to part with it?

  9. like the colors - it sure looks like that quilt will go fast.

  10. The fabrics from Thursday and Friday's quilts are wonderful. Your designs and combinations always jump right into my heart.


  11. Very cool!! Add this pattern to my upcoming projects.....

  12. What a great pattern/technique! I hopped over to Lynn's blog and bookmarked it. It's going to be another beauty - thanks for sharing!

  13. That does look wonderful - and so simple!!!

    I was wondering wht they would think about that border. Guess you have your work cut out for you now!

  14. Thank you for sharing this. I'm looking for an idea for a Christmas table runner, this is perfect!

  15. I love the fabric. I cut out this pattern with some charms that I had. I had to jump to something else. So I didnt get it sewn together. I like the way you put them together. Thanks for sharing.
    Cant wait to see it finished.

  16. i love this quilt..such a fun way to use up some fabric, and so pretty!

  17. Wanda, perfect!!!! I had been wondering what I would make next, and I think this is it. Thank you.

  18. I was looking at this at work, thinking "hey, that looks familiar". I looked in my giant binder of quilts I want to make before I die (I will have to live to be 125) and sure enough, I had that pattern. I have bookmarked the other variation of it too. Looooove your color selections, as always.

  19. Love the fabric selections for this! What a lovely summery feel those fabrics have!

  20. I love this quilt....great scrappy quilt.

  21. what a great pattern. I think I'll try it on my next donation quilt.

  22. I like this design; must try it.

  23. Thanks for the link to the tutorial Wanda. I really like the color combinations that you used in yours. It has a totally different feel than a scrappy one- both are pretty just different.
    How big will yours end up?
    Glad to read that your headache has improved. Hope you had a fantastic lunch with your school friend.
    Warmest regards,

  24. What a neat quilt pattern and I love your colors!

  25. this is really similar the Luminosity workshop I took but the blocks rotate so there is less seam alignment needed which I liked.

  26. Eu também gostei e com certeza vou fazer um também!

  27. What a great idea! Thanks so much for posting it. I was looking for a new project and now I have most quilters do I am always buying material thinking because it is beautiful so I always have a stash! Now I have something fun to do with some of my stash. Have a wonderful day!

  28. This is so beautiful! I'm fairly new at quilting, but this is something I think I can do with no trouble. Thanks for sharing this!


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