
Monday, November 7, 2011

A sewing day...

The after effects of the headache were gone by noon so I decided I should sew.  I got all of the setting triangles cut and 8 rows sewn on this one.  It is pretty boring sewing a diagonal layout but easy to keep track of which row you are on when sewing 2 rows at a time.  I have decided to add the 9 patch border. I will have to figure out what size to cut the squares after I get this all sewn and trim the oversized section of setting triangles.  I would rather cut the setting triangles too big and trim afterwards than have them barely fitting.

I switched over to sewing the blocks together into a top on this one when I got tired of diagonal rows.

Today a grade school friend from Ohio is going to meet my other childhood friend and I for lunch.  We have set up the date a couple times and it didn't work out but this time it's going to happen.  I haven't seen her since 7th grade so it's pretty exciting.


  1. Hope you have a great time with your visit. Your progress is a lot farther than mine as of yesterday. I plan on getting in there today to get another top finished. Chris

  2. Have a great day with your friends! Glad you are feeling better!

  3. Have a great day. Glad you are feeling better

  4. Headaches are the pits, glad you are feeling better! And you were really productive afterwards too! I agree that trimming down is much easier. Love both the quilts. How exciting about seeing a friend you haven't seen since 7th grade!! I hope you have a great time!

  5. I am so glad you are feeling better, and you certainly had a productive day quilting. Enjoy seeing your friend from the 7th grade. That's a lot of catching up to do.

  6. Oh how I can relate - I'm often blocked by a bad migraine. Glad you're better now. Your diagonal one will turn out greaT!!!

  7. have a great reunion with your friends-so glad your headache left so you can!
    can't wait to see the 9 patches. But I will wait-No Pressure. :)

  8. Both quilts are pretty. I hate trying to figure out the math for pieced borders though.
    I moved so many times that I don't remember a lot of friends nor would I even know where they are.
    Have a great time!

  9. should be fun seeing a childhood friend! the quilt is looking great and so colorful. I have never been in touch with childhood friends, we all went our separate ways and I moved around so much that I haven't a clue where anyone is anymore and barely even remember their names - never had close friends in school though.

  10. Great job on those diagonal rows, they always seem to take longer for some reason. I just realized this morning that you have the colors lined up in rows. Pretty!Have fun with your friends.

  11. Nice to hear you are feeling better :-) And I really like the red-green quilt, great pattern too! Greetings from Slovakia :-)

  12. Glad you are feeling better and were able to get some sewing in on those beautiful quilt tops. Enjoy your lunch!

  13. Glad you are feeling better. Enjoy your lunch! I love both quilts, but the red/green one especially. You sure got a lot done yesterday.

  14. Glad that you are feeling better. It's always fun to see your wonderful projects after a day of sewing.

    Have a fun lunch.

  15. Reunions are always fun especially when so many years have passed. Do your friends follow your blog ? And know your creative talents ?

    Yesterdays photo of your cacti blossom is so elegant.

    And it is always fun to watch your progress of each piece you are working on.


  16. Glad you are feeling better! I love how the Kaffe quilt is coming together.

  17. Glad the headache left and you had such a productive sewing day!
    How fun to meet someone you haven't seen since 7th grade!

  18. I'm glad that you are feeling better! The quilts are both looking great too! Enjoy your day out today! I just spent a few days with a childhood friend...we had a wonderful time catching up!

  19. I am soooo luvin' that top quilt...yes...yes!!!

    I know you gals will have a great time together!!!

  20. I hope you had a lovely great time with your friends.
    Your new quilt is looking great.
    hugs Kerstin

  21. Your quilts are all amazing. I love the soft Christmas colors and the pattern you used. I think I need to buy this one from you!

  22. Both quilt tops look so pretty. I like the setting triangles you've chosen, and I agree. I would so much rather cut a little off than try to make a not big enough piece work. Hope you had fun with your friends today!

  23. Cutting the triangles a little too big then trimming later seems sensible to me! I love how the green and red quilt is coming together.
    Enjoy your reunion lunch - glad you are feeling better.


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