
Monday, November 21, 2011


I spent the afternoon yesterday trying to figure out how I could change the configuration of tables in my basement.  The way it was set up it was hard to take photos of large quilts and I had to move a cabinet every time I wanted to baste a quilt.  I made some changes and think it will work out well.  I don't like the brand of daylight bulbs that I have near the new location as well as the older bulbs on the other side of the basement.  There is definitely a difference from brand to brand.  I didn't feel like tackling anything that took a lot of concentrations last night so I decided to sew all of the leftover 9 patches that I had cut about a week ago.  There are 33 in this pile and there will be more as I sew some more combinations this week.


  1. Sometimes a rearrangement is in order. I did the same the other day and I feel so much better about working in the space. I also have the same dilemma about the bulbs too. There are a few in my workspace that give off a yellowish hue, I don't like those. I prefer the ones that are a brighter white more true to color.

  2. Beautiful nine patches! I need to move some things around in my space too. It doesn't matter how much space I have, I still need more.

  3. 9 patches. what are you going to do now? Chris

  4. the bulbs are very hard to get used to I think. Some are so very bright that they give me a headache - I try to find the ones that are softer.

  5. Hopefully, you are closing in on the best arrangement for your needs.

  6. It can take me years to make a decision about furniture arrangement. But when I finally made the jump to my new sewing tables and lighting it made my studio space so much more welcoming. It also made me more productive. No doubt the changes in you work area will be worth your effort!

  7. Love the 9 patch blocks - wonderful colors and patterns. I hope your redesigned space works out well!

  8. Beautiful 9 patches! It's so frustrating when the label gives the same description but the brands are so different.

  9. Those 9-patches are wonderfully colourful -- exactly the right thing for this time of year!

  10. They are beautiful nine patches; I need to make some changes in my sewing room too! I need somewhere for my quilting frame that is not the uninsulated garage!

  11. There must be something in the air. I made a change in my sewing "studio" by switching to another room. Different room means different configuration. I've already made several changes to what I thought was perfect. Probably not the last change! I'm with you about bulbs too.

  12. NIce, nice, nice array of 33 blocks. You always display whatever you want to share with us, in such a lovely presentation.

    I agree with the lights we buy today are so poor, and yah the brands make a difference. i am really upset we will not be able to buy regular light bulbs after 2012 if not before. I like both Fluorescent and Condescent in specific spots.

    I see Castle is back on tonight. (*._,*)



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